After I published the article on ~NS~ leaving CDS, I received IGMs from Gijak Kafak which can be found
here. Due to their length, importance and the fact that they deal not only with ~NS~ leaving CDS but other things as well, I have decided to publish them as a part of a separate article rather than an update added to the end of the previous article.
There are four IGMs and I shall give a description of their contents in each case. They detail a lot of the background to what caused ~NS~ to leave CDS, saying that much of what has been going on within ~NS~ has been at the orders of TCol.
The first IGM chain came with the subject about the spy' and it started with Pride of ~NS~ discussing his suspicions of who had leaked information to me previously in an IGM to Gijak Kafak.
However, it soon moved on to Gijak Kafak explaining a lot of the background to ~NS~ leaving CDS amongst other things.
The explanation began with Gijak Kafak describing an incident with Briann where Briann had gone 'off on a tangent about wanting to siege everyone in kesh that was not green on the map' which went against the order set out by the leadership of ~NS~. Gijak lost his cool with Briann who then 'went crying to Zen and Grom' about his treatment of Briann. Apparently Briann then doctored IGMs to make Gijak look bad.
He then went on to mention how TCol started to pull large members from ~NS~, citing Twitch as an example saying 'Twitch was the first with the lie he wanted to war. ( If Twitch wanted to war then why did he run from the war presented to him from SIN[...]). '
At the same time, Grombrindal sent Pink Camo to ~NS~ with Gijak claiming in the IGMs that it was an attempt to take direct control of ~NS~.
He goes on to describe arguments between him and Pink, the first of which was relating to members of BSH, nCrow and TCol settling in Keshalia which had been promised to ~NS~.
However, this argument does not seem to be what truly set events in motion that led to ~NS~ leaving CDS. It seems that a large part of the reason why ~NS~ left CDS was that Ubiquitous Feral, a returning player who was in pTory leadership during the first TCol/pTory war, was invited to ~NS~.
Gijak Kafak was in pTory during the events of the first war and stated the following:
"The next thing was to bring Ubi into NS. Ubi is a coward and trouble maker. He screwed Yuki over in Ptory, got everyone except a loyal few turned against her. Grom with all his pompous attitude that he is fair and never rude, is bullshit. I was the most outspoken on what was done to Yuki. So I was chosen as the scapegoat. Grom sent me an igm stating I had to move from Kesh or they was going to raze me. I went off and in rage typed most of the igm wrong. I tend to do that when I'm not thinking clearly. I immediately had incoming military attacks and diplo attacks to all 3 of my under 3k pop towns. My smallest town was only 6 or 7 hundred (so much for Tcol's word they do not attack small players). I am the type of person I don't bring my troubles to others. I started igm'ing friend to thieve me to keep Tcol's thieves from getting my stockpile. Myr was the first to respond. During this with all the attacks and diplos coming in Ubi sent a alliance wide igm stating anyone who sent help or tried to defend me would suffer the same fate I am receiving. Then he kicked me from Ptory. Myr took me in under force into NS, and here I am fixing to be under threat again by Tcol. LOL. There are other here in NS that Ubi screwed over and treated like shit. Grom and Zen knew this so they brought him into NS with the response that we were being childish by not accepting Ubi. When I press further that it was bs I got an igm from Pink that stated back them Ubi was following Grom and Zens orders and that we had no reason to hold a grudge to Ubi. So Tcol picked the player that supported Yuki the most and sentenced him death to make the rest become sheeple and bow to their demands and used Ubi to do it,"
Note: I have edited this to clear up typos amongst other things. The original text can be found in the full log of the IGMs.
Gijak then compared his situation now to that of Ubiquitous' during the pTory/TCol war, saying he was just being used as a scapegoat in the clearing of Keshalia. He felt like Grombrindal had thrown him under the bus when Grombrindal had claimed he had no knowledge of ~NS~'s activities.
During this time, Myr apparently got into an argument with Grombrindal and Zenorra about ~NS~ being used as a puppet alliance. This then left to Pink leaving ~NS~ and returning to DSA, 'since she had accomplished what she came here for ,,, to tear us apart'.
Gijak finished his lengthy paragraph by saying '
I didn't want to clear small players . I was truly more comfortable dealing with the larger players that could defend themselves. But as it was I was following orders. I was again like Ubi made the face of the wrong doing and threw under the bus when there was complaints Tcol denied knowledge.'
The final IGM in the chain was the one addressed to me. In it, Gijak explained another example of TCol apparently interfering in ~NS~ business with regards to Urika leaving ~NS~.
'Urika left NS started an alliance and started moving towns. Within 8 hrs of leaving Grom Igm'd him and said move now or die since you left ns. But no Grom isnt a bully. I will send you Groms igm to urika i think it will be easy to find. Later on today. So urika came back to NS and quit. but no there is noone being a bully.'
The next two IGMs, with the titles 'Keshalia' and 'Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted' contain discussions that Gijak referenced in the first IGM. Keshalia relates to Urika leaving ~NS~ while Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted' relates to Ubiquitous Feral joining ~NS~.
The final IGM, titled 'One More thing.' was a single IGM addressed solely to me. It said the following:
'As far as land claims go. It was origanally pro-claimed land claims were for the BL, it was a unwrittten agreement. Land Claims in Elgea are wrong. The game spawns people extremely close to Tcols claim. The only way to enforce the claim is to bully everyone out. See the way it is , Tcol and the puppets can only start with the little ones. BSH is the likly choice for the new puppet Kesh bullies as they are moving in at a rapid pace. They will not attack the larger ones, hell they will not even talk to the larger ones. So hopefully soon there will be a revolt on this whole land claim issue. If there isnt then the entire game is as risk, because other bully idiots will get the idea that they can claim, eventually everyone will be forced into alliance they hate or be killed, where is the fun in that. LC in elgea should be banned and not allowed, only the devs can change and fix that, otherwise as it is the game will be doomed, as no one will want to play being forced to play someonelses way.'
This string of IGMs seriously alter the narrative around ~NS~'s recent actions. I recommend those who are interested to read the originals as due to their length, many details have been omitted here.
If anyone from TCol leadership, or indeed anyone from any high ranking position within CDS or ~NS~, would like to add further comment to this, IGM me and I will publish it.
Author: Eowan