Saturday, 11 August 2018

YOrk Sieged Out of Keshalia for Defending His Kills /// ~NS~ Purging Keshalia

YOrk [VAST], was recently sieged out of the region of Keshalia after defending a kill he made from Briann [~NS~] who attempted to poach his kill.

The situation started when Briann noticed a kill near his city. He claims to have scouted it but despite significant investigation, no scout report has been sent to me detailing this. He then sent an army to the kill to occupy it.

YOrk, who had intended to harvest the kill, had harvesters killed by this army. Again, no evidence has been supplied by ~NS~ who claim that YOrk sent the harvesters after the army landed. YOrk then cleared the square of Briann's troops.

This led to retaliation from Briann in the form of diplos and demands from Gijak Kafak for '2k saddles, 2k horses, and 5 mill gold' in compensation for Briann's troop losses while attempting to poach a kill which was reportedly a legion of scaled chargers.

I got in touch with Gijak Kafak and YOrk and they gave the following statements:
Hi there man 
Im not too active lately so sorry for the late answer. Its a long story, some bugger called Briuan started occupying my kills in Keshalia. He killed quite a few of my skinners too. So i sent my army to clear it away, NS mailed me threatening and demanding some payments tpo compensate their losses but i sent them all to hell. After that they launched a campaign against me, taking my Keshalia towns. 
That's pretty it. 
Good hunting, Y.

Gijak Kafak:
Briann so a kill unattended and had been for well over a week. he had scouted it several times ( no i will not go back through thousands of igms to dredge up scout reports) never was anything there or the amount of things there change. He placed a army on it and sent harvestors. 6 hrs later YOrk saw him there and sent harvestors. Well as anyone with a brain knows troops on a sq will kill harvesters, which they did. YOrk then sent a army any killed Brianns. That is what the issue was and that was the issue. YOrk sent and you can see his copy and paste that his harvesters arrived on the square and where killed by Brianns army meaning Brianns army was there and in place. It is what I tried to explaining to YOrk. His alliance did not want to work it out and kicked him from their ranks. So we did what we had to do YOrk was unwilling to be reasonable and we deemed him unworthy of being a guest in the LC after he for no reason killed another army of Brianns 8 sqs from Brianns city. The first incident was 12sqs from Briann and 38 sq from YORk. If it was YOrks kill then that far from his city he should have had a army on it. OK there is the info you requested anything thing else in the matter is unworth my time Please do not igm me again

When I got in touch with Briann about getting hold of those scout reports or notification logs so I could have ~NS~'s full story, I was threatened with the sieging of both my account and the accounts that I was permitted to have in relation to the Small Alliance Tournament for the purposes of making flags by Gijak Kafak

YOrk has since had all of his Keshalian towns removed.

Gijak Kafak also threatened to report me if I published IGMs which can be found by clicking here.

It should be noted for those who attempt to suppress the publishing of IGMs on this site, in the past I have had problems with the DEVS in relation to the publishing of information related to the DEVS punishments of players. I was informed during these problems that as long as there was no link to articles breaching the rules in the forums, it was permitted by former Community Manager, GM Rikoo. 

YOrk's sieging comes shortly after a list of unaligned players was sent to me by a source within ~NS~ indicating it is likely that ~NS~ are beginning a general purge of the Keshalia region, the list is as follows:


Sir Richard









It has been confirmed to me that SnugSnug has reached alternative arrangements to prevent sieging. Others on the list have not managed this.

After a discussion with Gijak Kafak about this list, my source then informed me that ~NS~ were attempting to locate them through the use of IGM API keys. Reportedly, kicking was meant to occur yesterday morning however, to the best of my knowledge, no one has been kicked indicating the API key method was ineffective.

Author: Eowan 


  1. I was in ~NS~ when this whole process was initiated. I'm pretty sure the real issues, beyond the harvesters being killed, were three:

    (1) YOrk's attitude is what most deeply annoyed ~NS~ and made them want to make things personal;

    (2) ~NS~ wanted to make an example of YOrk so as to establish a reputation as being "enforcers" for TCol;

    (3) Frankly, Gijak used the above two reasons as a bit of pretense to have a fun little war for himself.

  2. The purge of Kesh by NS was sanctioned by Tcol. On request from Twisted, York was given a month to move out. Twisted agreed on behalf of York and also sanctioned the removal of his member should the deadline pass - Grom

  3. Incidentally, I'd just like to point out something about my above comment.

    As I read this article, most of it is simply documentation of two barely-literate idiots acting like idiots. I don't care about "landclaims" or "war" or "strategy" or anything else that some blather on about in GC.

    All I care about is the amusement the aforementioned idiots provide by their lack of tact and their inability to communicate, and I would like to mitigate the perception that Gijak was simply acting in a noble manner so as to defend an innocent player of his. Nonsense. The agenda went beyond YOrk and mostly can be explained by Gijak wanting to have something to do in game. That's all.

    And for those who think this is gossip or that Eowan is publishing irrelevant information or even, heaven forbid, publishing an opinion piece: you're full of it, too. Your real quarrel here is that, once again, you encounter information which runs counter to your warmongering ideals and, as always, assume a defensive and mocking tone. I find this tone especially amusing when it comes from individuals whose only attacking score has come from hunting NPCs while ranting on in GC about being stoned. ;-)

  4. ""Gijak Kafak:
    Briann so a kill unattended and had been for well over a week. ""

    Dear Stupid. Drops disappear after 7 days. That's a week. If you're going to lie and make shit up, at least try not be obvious about it.. well, judging by the rest of your text, you may want to get an adult to help you with that.

  5. errr quote "Gijak Kafak:
    Briann so a kill unattended and had been for well over a week."

    Can't happen, no kill stays in place for a week with all the hides etc still there...someone is telling porkies there aren't they.
    This is just NS doing what they did years back, rattling sabres and sounding menacing (hang on we have to have a war declaration over a stupid issue regarding who has the sov over which tile - musn't forget that) ....before everyone else gets sick to death of them and deals with it.

  6. Just to reply to the "sanctioned the removal of his own member part". I did not Sanctioned it. YOrk was going to be sieged even before he joined VAST. NS and Grom were already desperate to remove him from the Keshalia that they didn't wanted to negotiate anything which would let YOrk stay peacefully in kesh. The removal of his town was agreed by me and grom AS PER TERMS that he'll let him stay for a month in Keshalia before moving as he was on a vacation. So sanctioning a siege and agreeing on terms are complete different things here.

    Also to point out the bullshits happening in GC, oh yes I agreed but most of them were from NS or Alts of NS themselves. If they do think this article is a lie, why not forward the reports that they hide so sacredly.

    I will also point out the fact when while conducting negotiation with Gijak (which felt like talking a wall), I also did not received ANY SORT OF IGMS OR REPORTS FROM NS regarding this issue. Hence , all of a more reason for me to believe that they just wanted to target someone for their own amusement aka bullying.

    As far as raising attack score by killing NPCs are concerned Grom, if it's that easy, why aren't you in a respectable rank in terms of attacks? I mean, you should be able to do it since it's "very easy". Now before giving excuses like "I am lazy" or "it's boring" or anything like that. Just know the players who aren't lazy are already far better than the lazy one's.

    Still waiting for NS to point out what is written wrong in this Article. And where are the said scout reports which they didnt even send me, who was conducting negotiations.

    -Twisted Fate

  7. That comment about attack ranks wasn't mine. Only the one about it being sanctioned. We'll talk about this in Slack if you wish. -Grom

  8. Both of YOrk's cities that where in Kesh were t1 spears. He claims and I quote, " I killed a legion of scaled chargers for the parts I'm most desperate about." He had roughly 11k kobold cohorts troops with 4 death pack commanders in Gimmie Two. And in EOT he had 1366 cobold cohorts and 1 death pack commander. There is no way he killed a legion a scaled charges. From what I can see this was an NPC fighting NPC hide and animal part pile on the map and Briann and YOrk went after it at the same time.

    Eowan you are trying to start trouble and stir the pot. Not working.

    1. When did he have these kobolds? Could he not have had hunting troops before then that were killed fighting NS? Do you have any proof of this?

      And why didn't anyone in NS question YOrk's ownership of the kill when I talked to them? When both sides in a fight seem to agree on something, I tend to take that as accurate.

      If NS, while I had been talking to them, had mentioned even once that they doubted the kill was YOrk's, then that would have been referenced in the article.

    2. Nope there is no way either of his cities could have supported enough spears to kill a legion of scaled chargers. Pretty sure everyone knows the attack of spear units vrs the defense of infantry units which scaled chargers are. You would need at least twice the number of spears to overcome the infantry and that is without taking into account terrain modifiers.

      "And why didn't anyone in NS question YOrk's ownership of the kill when I talked to them? When both sides in a fight seem to agree on something, I tend to take that as accurate." - Because it is none of your fucking business to put it bluntly.

    3. I am aware of the limitations of spears. But those limitations would also apply to the force used to kill briann's holding force which, from the compensation demanded, would seem to be a couple of thousand cav. This therefore implies that YOrk didn't just have kobolds, he had some sort of attacking unit as well.

      If that was none of my business, in your opinion, then in my opinion, it is none of your business what I post here.

    4. Additionally, the following description of YOrk's actions was given by Gijak Kafak in an IGM to my alliance leader:
      "We had a player here in Kesh that rampantly killed everything he saw."
      So, unless you are saying Gijak Kafak was lying here, it would indicate that YOrk had hunting troops of some sort.

    5. Again the compensation demands are none of your business. I have seen people demand millions in gold and equipment in compensation for a few hundred dead military.

      I have seen YOrk's troop counts from each of his cities all he makes are spears only nonspear troops he has are a bunch of his commanders. Quit talking out of your ass. You don't have a clue. Don't believe me ask him yourself.

    6. "If that was none of my business, in your opinion, then in my opinion, it is none of your business what I post here."

      Actually you are talking shit and trying to start trouble... Everything you post on this site is the business of everyone that plays Illyriad. What goes on in an alliance, what is said in alliance mails or why an alliance choses to do something is only the business of the people in the alliance. You're not in any of the alliances this "story" is about so doesn't matter to you.... in other words NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

    7. 'I have seen YOrk's troop counts from each of his cities all he makes are spears only nonspear troops he has are a bunch of his commanders. Quit talking out of your ass. You don't have a clue. Don't believe me ask him yourself.'

      So, anonymous, you're telling me that Gijak lied?

      'You're not in any of the alliances this "story" '

      Do you know where my alt is?

    8. You're the one that claimed Gijak lied not me... quit trying to put words in my mouth. As usual you are trying to twist shit to suit your fucked in the head logic... typical millennial..

      Your alt is as pointless as you... and if you are using an alt in an alliance to gain information for this site that is known by your main you are less of a man than I thought you are... you are just proving more and more that you are a troll... This site is nothing but trolling... You can't play the game so to get the attention you so desperately need you have no option but to be a troll.


      Incase you have forgotten where it is...

    10. I'm saying that according to Gijak, something happened, according to you, the exact opposite is true.... one of them must be wrong... now, for you to be wrong, all it would take would be you not seeing a report.... for gijak to be wrong, he is either lying or has been lied to....

      As for the location of my alt, you don't know where it is... therefore I'd say you have a situation along the lines of Schrödinger's cat.... until my alt is revealed, it is both in the alliances relevant to this story and is not in the relevant alliances...

    11. I haven't seen a battle report that show YOrk killed a legion of anything... until proven wrong it was an NPC vs NPC battle... Obviously you haven't seen one either or you would have used it to stir up shit as usual...

      What makes you think I don't know who your alt is and which alliance it may or may not be in?

    12. Gijak said to my alliance leader that the kill was YOrk's when he said this:
      "We had a player here in Kesh that rampantly killed everything he saw."
      Not poached everything he saw.... killed everything.
      Again, for what you say to be true, Gijak must be lying or have been lied to.

      As for the idea of it being a legion, I do not have evidence... which is why I said ' reportedly a legion of scaled chargers.'. Do I need to explain what the meaning of reportedly is?

      I only have evidence in the form of the 2 opposing sides of the event agreeing that the kill was YOrk's. If NS had at any point called into doubt who killed the NPC, it would have been included in the article.

      If you knew who my alt was and it was in NS, it would have been kicked. If you knew who my alt was and it was in FDU-S or VAST, you wouldn't have said the story was none of my business. If you knew who my alt was and it wasn't in either of those alliances, you wouldn't have said this:
      'Your alt is as pointless as you... and if you are using an alt in an alliance to gain information for this site that is known by your main you are less of a man than I thought you are... you are just proving more and more that you are a troll... This site is nothing but trolling... You can't play the game so to get the attention you so desperately need you have no option but to be a troll.'

      Therefore, you do not know who my alt is.

    13. Just keep thinking I don't know who your alt is... Your alt is meaningless in this. Your main account is the one "linked" to this site not your alt. You sign your post Eowan, not once have you signed your alt. The alliance your alt is in is meaningless.

      You can quit calling Gijak a liar and quit using things he said in ingame mails because I know for a fact that he told you repeatedly you did not have permission to use anything he said on this site... I can show you where he said it on at least 3 if not 4 occasions. Just keep repeating stuff you have no right to repeat, you are only digging your hole deeper and deeper.

    14. Then say who my alt is... obviously I'll deny it no matter what but we'll know if you're right.

      I'm not calling him a liar, I'm saying that your posts directly contradict his IGM meaning that you must be saying he is a liar as apparently he's seen the reports and everything...

    15. I'm telling you there is no battle report of YOrk killing a legion of scaled chargers which this situation supposedly started from. Again quit talking out of your ass.

    16. And no I am not saying Gijak lied I am saying YOrk lied claiming the hides and animal parts as a result of him killing a legion of scaled charges... Just so you can't twist my words to suit your agenda.

    17. 'We had a player here in Kesh that rampantly killed everything he saw.'
      -Gijak Kafak, 2018.

  9. None of this matters. Keshalia is part of the CDS claim. In absence of a veto from Tcol or nCrow leadership, or both, NS's (and thus Gijak's) authority over the province is absolute.
