- http://forum.illyriad.co.uk/the-great-war_topic6075_page1.html
- http://forum.illyriad.co.uk/the-history-of-illyriad-incomplete_topic3293.html
- http://forum.illyriad.co.uk/bundled-version-of-illyrian-history_topic2134.html
- http://honoredsoft.com/whitewash.htm
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dRGjI3vUdcKr4H_C-RXDBSk2rPDMLFJdMfXtPd5cGHE/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0
This takes me at least partially up to the Great War. Things after that would be greatly appreciated.
History of Illyriad
Uuntaar and Jargas, two fellows of like mind, chose a place in Lucerna to raise their banner. They looked around and understood that all alliances were the same, all of them unwilling to create war. Therefore, in 281, 172 they chose to create a war guild known as Dark Blight. Burning Hate would be their capital. Instantly, followers came into the ranks. Xerkael, an elf magician. Jrtheman, a human knight. XcerberusX, an orcish commander. LadyBreni, a dwarf woman possessing a mighty hammer layered in sorcery and the skill to use it. Uuntaar was well pleased with his followers, particularly with Jargas and XcerberusX. But unknown to Uuntaar, Jrtheman did not have the right frame of mind that was needed to be one of the Horde. He feared the ruthlessness of true soldiers like Uuntaar. He was not a an who was suited for war. With interesting curiosity, at a similar time to the rise of the Dark Blight another guild rose in Lucerna, led by a Knight who had taken the somewhat supercilious title of Lionheart the Brave. He formed the Brotherhood of Knights, an alliance for the pursuit of the righteousness. He gathered his own recruits, soldiers such as Alesayr and Jack Aubrey. Dark Blight personally disliked this guild, but Uuntaar had more on his mind than these men. Jrtheman, however, did not. He saw the guild and knew that his moment of betrayal was near. He fled the Dark Blight and joined the Brotherhood. Hostilities began quickly afterwards. The war was long, the war was bitter. The Brotherhood had more supporters, and soon Uuntaar was beat into submission. However he quickly gathered new recruits, soldiers like Shrea, Metallicus ,Nokigon and Cediris. Together they attacked once more, and this time it was the Brotherhood who fell before the swords. However, the Brotherhood had, in their short time in Illyriad, managed to gather powerful friends. An alliance that was greater in numbers than the two alliances put together took pity on the brotherhood. The Calaquendi answered the call, and peace was forced upon them both. Uuntaar stayed in his capital, thirsting for revenge. The opportunity came quicker than expected. Jack Aubrey, the greatest knight of the Brotherhood, left the war and the Calaquendi judged their work to be done. Soon, the hordes of Dark Blight had destroyed the towns of their ex-comrade, Jrtheman, and slain his comrades. Dark Blight had won their first war. They looked eagerly for another.
They got it- and quickly. AmrothAnguireal and his brother ThingelloAnguireal came to the world of Illyriad with a pack of followers. They were weak, but when a dwarf follower of the Blight who went by the name of Antoninius raided the village of LeanderAnguireal, a follower of the clan, the Elves demanded compensation. The Lords of Dark Blight laughed, and commenced hostilities. Angered by this, the Anguireals made a brave but foolish decision to declare war upon the far more powerful Dark Blight, and their comrades-in-arms, the Unified Orc Scourge. To call it a war would, in fact, be over estimating the fight. A war implies two vaguely equal forces. This fight was a slaughter. No matter what the Elves tried, they couldn’t stop the hordes of DB from butchering their armies, one by one. And then, almost all of the hordes were destroyed by the Gods of Illyriad for multi-accounting. Only Amroth, Thingello and a couple of followers remained. They fled and made an alliance called the ETERNAL CHAMPIONS. The Hordes of Dark Blight laughed, but they had far bigger problems.
Their allied guild, US, had recently gone through a traumatic time following the death of Grog, but a recent development made the situation twice as bad. The Mal Motshans, a bullying and threatening guild made up by a series of multi-accounts led by Nige had noticed the orcs. They threatened US with one deadly and difficult decision. Join or be put to the sword. US could not stand for this, but they were not powerful enough to fight them alone. Nor were Dark Blight, come to that. But the world of Illyria would NOT stand for this, and the greatest war of the history of Illyria began. Dark Blight were the first to answer the call of US, and immediately attacked yoshitribes. Dwarven Lords came next, and flung their forces upon the armies of Juno. Wolves of the Plains and Goonies came forth, and attacked The Mal Mothsans. Finally Harmless rose, and the war began. Dark Blight, US, Harmless, Dwarven Lords, WOTP and Goonies smashed the armies of the Mal Motshans and burnt their cities in only 14 short days. The tyrants were slain, slain running from the sinking ship that was the Mal Motshans. For the first time, Dark Blight’s prowess in battle was acknowledged by the other alliances. They were now far more powerful than ever before.
The biggest war ever in the history of DB began in December. Following an attack upon the Calaquendi in revenge for the BOK War, war began on Christmas Day. The Lords of Dark Blight eagerly charged to battle. The tables had turned considerably since the BOK war. Now, superior forces and planning meant that the Calaquendi were soon losing the war. But unknown to the Warriors of Dark Blight, Cala had recently accepted a long-standing offer from the Crows, arguably the greatest alliance in Illyriad due to their sister alliances, to join the ranks of the Crows. And the Crows, particularly Crows Beak, considered Cala’s (now Calaquendi Crow, or Calcr) war their own. Dark Blight were forced back. Such was the ferocity possessed by the Crows that many great warriors were slain. Metallicus. Uuntaar. Lady breni. Antoninius. All of these warriors left the world of Illyriad in the face of the great assault. Uuntaar remained long enough only to sign the peace treaty, which was that an NAP shall be signed with all of the Crows, with Calaquendi and Crows Beak receiving an Escrow of 1 million gold. And after this Uuntaar never returned from the land of Illyria. For the first time, Dark Blight had lost a war. In the face of this many more left, until the forces of Dark Blight were led by xCerberusx. Serving under him was Aberdon, a great warrior, along with Belthazor, Nokigon, Vertigo, Viswanathan, Carl Zeis and a large amount of other warriors. But in the period of time that Dark Blight could have re-joined the world with new strength, and quite possibly with a far less aggressive outlook, a new war was sparked that spelled the end of the great alliance. Amroth Anguireal could hold a grudge. Barely two weeks after the Signing of the NAPs, attacks began against members of the Dark Blight such as Andycapp and Aberdon. War was declared. The fighting was long, the fighting was bitter. Slowly, one by one, the remaining warriors of Dark Blight fell. Baldrick, Viswanathan, even xCerberusx- especially when LWO joined the war, Dark Blight died. Inactivity slew them all. Finally, after nearly four months of war Carl Zeis stood. He said one word. “Enough.” Carl Zeis and Nokigon planned a move of alliance, led by his alt. We gave an offer to the entire alliance, the ones which were still alive. It was bleak. “This once great alliance is a graveyard. There are barely 5 people still alive here. Nokigon, Vertigo, Belthazor and I plan to move to the Cave of Knowledge, an alliance led by me through my alt. All of you may come with me, and I hope you will do just that. Thank you.” Sityviper, Vertigo, Belthazor, Carl Zeis and Nokigon all went over immediately. Carl Zeis recruited new players, foremost amongst which were Luc_ and Makanalani. Soon, Gracen came through, bringing with him Big Casino and Tarquinious. Metalman came next, and then Rashaverak. Hope ignited in the hearts of the ex-Dark Blight soldiers. Finally Urgorr the Old, a new recruit came through, then Ciku, Warrrgh Boss, Pawdit2004, SailMaster, jshaggy, Aegrus, El papa, AlphonseEric, PhilBurt, Dain Ironfoot and Roes. Out of these, only three left the alliance. Dain Ironfoot was offered a place in Dlords, and left with good grace. Warrgh Boss left to form his own alliance, a sister alliance to FDU. And Aegrus left after the discovery of a spy in their ranks, with an out-of-context chatlog being posted on the forums. The true identity of the spy has never been discovered, although no other logs have been posted since then. But during the influx of new recruits, the veterans of Dark Blight watched Aberdon joined a sister alliance of the ETERNAL CHAMPIONS, who along with Aberdon’s new alliance LostSoulsDeliverance (LSD) started to burn the cities of DB. Unable to defend their lost comrades, for fear of starting another war, the Cave could only capture their comrade’s cities themselves, lest they be burnt. Dark Blight was finished, and alone amongst the world the Cave remembered them with fondness. They now look to the world, with a new sheet turned. The principles of DB were gone, all Cave wanted to do was to protect their members and enjoy the game. They had seen the realities of war, far more so than possibly anyone else. They wanted none of it.
The Newbie Guide
Shortly after roller took shelter in Valar Lorre and Amroth Anguireal, leaders of PA and Champ, declared war on Valar. At first, few people went to war alongside Lorre- Valar was, at the time, the second biggest alliance in the game, after all. Curse was also involved since they were attempting to get revenge from roller and spirit for abandoning Curse. And then Harmless joined in, starting a true war for the first time in 18 months according to Killer Poodle. After Harmless joined the fight, there was something of a tidal wave of alliance joining. WoT, Dlords, mCrow..... A lot of alliance joined the war against Valar. Why? Well, in Nokigon's mind Kurdruk put it quite well. It could be one or more of 7 reasons: 1) Harmless want revenge for losing a tournament. Quite petty.
History of Illyriad
2010- Major events
The birth of Illyriad
The game was started in the 21st of February, in order to create a game with the depth of EVE Online, but as a normal free browser game. The Game Masters (GMs) wanted to make a game that they would wish to play themselves, which still changes as you logout, and which can work on as many browsers as possible. Most importantly, however, the GMs wanted to make a game which can be affected by the player, a game in which you aren't set into one direct play style but have options- Military or diplomatic? Alliance or no alliance? Peaceful or aggressive?- a game which is commonly called a sandbox.
Harmless and White
This is arguably the largest part of Illyriad's history. It is the story of the two first and greatest alliances in the game, and how they clashed and fought to the death.
When the game began, a number of players from EVE Online came to the game. Foremost among them was Jonny101, a player who in this game is known as Diablito. Others came from another game, and they formed Harmless? (at that time called DiggIK). The players from EVE formed Danger. Those from DiggIK had heard of Diablito, as in his role as Jonny101 he was a legend, who loved to manipulate people, to be the bad guy, so to speak. They therefore were curious, but wary- for good reason, as it turned out. Diablito wanted to be number one, and nothing would stop him from pursuing his aim. He immediately placed a spy in the rank of Harmless and joined an alliance called Danger, under Laura Christine (now EmilyJade). With some friendly banter, a joking war was declared which didn't go much beyond a couple of tongue-in-cheek forum threads. But Diablito didn't agree- and offered KP the chance for DA to be destroyed. He offered to declare war on every alliance in the game, in return for some resources (advanced and basic) so that he could start off the first mercenary alliance, the White Company. KP replied with the promise to think about it, but in actuality he was never planning on agreeing. Diablito didn't like this idea, and soon a number of exploits were put into operation, as well as a few low-scale raids. He joined White, and the two alliances had a very quiet battle. Harmless concentrated on their economy; White on their armies. This continued for a number of weeks, until Diablito started to turn really nasty.
He offered to harass a player in Harmless, who shall remain nameless, until he quit the game. This was due to the complaints of impulsiveness coming from Harmless (the player was one of those unfortunate enough to be hit by thieves, and wanted revenge). Harmless never did this, and after Diablito's spy discovered that Mars, a member of Black (the White Company's training alliance) was in fact the alt of Naive, he started to begin the war in earnest. It soon became a question of waiting to when siege would come out, and then who would get siege engines first. The answer to that question is unknown, but White struck first. He tried to siege HonoredMule's capital, but ultimately he failed due to the efforts of Harmless. Harmless then sieged and destroyed Diablito's capital, Gay Paris, along with Diablito's armies and strong commanders. Afterwards, LauraChristine's capital was razed, and it was at this point when White begged for peace. They claimed that White was being destroyed by inactivity, and Harmless decided to give them a chance. They limited retribution to the leaders of White, offered terms of surrender and waited for the White answer. But soon they discovered that this was merely a delaying tactic, that White and its allies were simply gathering their strength. And with this, Harmless decided to destroy White completely.
Medieval Knights
After the fall of Gay Paris, the capital of Diablito in the white war, Diablito quickly realised he needed allies if he was to win the war against Harmless. Unfortunately, the only one he could find was one that was in fact doomed to destruction and failure- Medieval Knights, led by Tubana.
Tubana led a group of people who rank amongst the most respected players of Illy, including The_Dude and Shrapnel.
To the advantage of Diablito, although it did not save his alliance in the end, Tubana was not in the habit of discussing his actions with his officers, and chose to regard the NAP with White as a confederation. Yet further to Diablito's and Tubana's detriment, Tubana was in the habit of attacking Dlords members, which goes to show that it is very unwise to have more than one enemy at one time. In fact, Dlords became a greater enemy to Tubana than Harmless, in fact.
Belargyle, the leader of Dlords, decided that enough was enough and formed a coalition of over half a dozen alliances, with Harmless and the Knights who say Ni (who later reformed as TMM- see later) being the most noteworthy.
Tubana lasted barely 24 hours of the attacks from the coalition listed above before quitting MK and- weirdly- chose to make yet another enemy, in the remnants of MK. He attacked The_Dude, who along with the other members of MK sieged one of his cities. Dlords handled the rest, which obliterated Tubana from the game. The man left just one legacy besides memories- a message inside TD's inbox. The message read simply, 'You suck.' MK reformed as Phoenix-an alliance raising from the ashes of their old one.
But this was not the end for PX. Shortly after Tubana was defeated, a peace agreement was signed between Belargyle and MK. The coalition swore to abide by any decisions made by the head of Dlords- but a short while later Ni broke the agreement. First, they attacked and defeated Rupe's armies, then they sent a huge multitude of forces at The_Dude. Sadly, none of the alliances who assisted Dlords took a stand against this, for which they all have their reasons. For instance, Harmless were unwilling to break their code of assisting only those allied to them, and chose to stand by their guidelines. For better or worse, the choices were made, and TD stood alone (the rest of Phoenix were sick of war and were unwilling to help) against the wrath of Ni. He left Illy then, returning only with the news of factions and the creation of the city move spell. Meanwhile, PX merged into Tranquil Vision, and Ni decided to leave them alone.
STA and S&B
In August, Skulls and Bones started relentlessly attacking one of the STA members, until they player left the game. Sta attempted to negotiate with S&B, but Zork (the leader of S&B) ignored their messages and continued to attack S&B. After some deliberation, the leaders of STA (Noryasha Grunk, duuvian etc) chose to declare war on S&B, and began sieging some cities. They maintained not to accept peace from Zork, although they would accept surrenders from members provided they left the alliance. Soon Zork feared that they had bitten off more than they could chew, and called in some favours from TRR and FoF. StA won through with the assistance of Crows Beak, however, and they continued to siege Zork until he and Borg left the alliance, when peace was negotiated.
(-57, -115).
This place on the map is marked by a statue of gold, of a dwarf in armour wielding an axe and a shield. The square is specially named, with simply the words 'In Memoriam: Shrapnel'. In addition, one of the sister alliances to FDU is known as Shrapnel's Memorial Academy. These two facts hint at comparatively little- that there was once a person in Illy called Shrapnel, that he died, that he was connected to FDU and that he was a large figure in Illyriad. But that isn't the full story of the man who in Illyriad was called Shrapnel, but in real life was called Case Deis.
Shrapnel was the founder of the Free Defence Union, one of the oldest and finest training alliance. His alt was called Grog, who as a character was a startling contrast to Shrapnel- Grog was the leader of the Unified Orc Scourge, and his primary interests (as stated on his profile) were beer and elf women. US have now merged into BSH, so both of Case's account's legacies live on today.
Case died on the 8th of October, 2010, to the shock of many. You can read his obituary here: http://starbeacon.com/legacy/x1644187719/Case-E-Deis
Rest in peace, Case.
An alliance, many months ago, was formed by Juno. The players were huge, with about half a dozen or so ranking amongst the top ten players in the land. There was the leader, Juno. There was Nige, Ragmanon, Butler, yosh*tribes, AVa64 and cog soldier. They called themselves the Mal Motshans, and as one might imagine they claimed residence in Mal Motsha. As a point for historical curiosity, it seems that Mal Motsha is doomed to be claimed by many nations, as the Dark Star Dominion, otherwise known as TCol and BSH have followed TMM's example (albeit in a less violent manner) and have claimed TMM. The full history is long and can be seen later on in the 2011 section of this history, but it is rather interesting that BSH (who are the closest thing that the game has to a descendant of US) have chosen to make their own claim on Mal Motsha. This is beside the point, however.
The Mal Motshans went about defending their claim on the land of Mal Motsha in completely the wrong way, as history appears to show us. They started sending threats to all inside Mal Motsha, saying that they had one extremely simple choice: Join, or die. A surprisingly small number of people took him up on his offer; it appears that most contacted were either stubborn or inactive. The unfortunate thing for TMM however (although maybe unfortunate is the wrong word- foolish may be closer to the mark) was that their ambitions led them to the path of US, who were still grieving over the loss of their leader, and possibly even more foolishly that of Toothless?. They gave the same threat they had been giving to others- and began their path to destruction.
You see, the people of Illyriad were outraged by the audacity of such a man that would attempt to menace an innocent alliance, an alliance of new players, and an alliance that was vulnerable after the death of its leader. The first alliance to answer the plea for aid was Dark Blight, US' long time ally, declaring war minutes after US did. Then Middle Earth United, then Harmless, then Goonies,
then Dlords, WOTP (now Curse), Peace, AEsir and finally Fremen empire (at the time Colonist Empires). TMM lasted barely two weeks before collapsing, the members fleeing the ruins of their alliance. They received no mercy however, although interestingly they asked for none. Soon, there was no trace of the Mal Motshans on the map.
TMM was something of a turning point for Illyriad. The players had a choice: they could sit by, and let the bloodbath happen, setting a precedant, or they could take a stand and fight TMM. It's my opinion that it is that, combined with the devastating penalties for siege in the game, that has paved the way for the Illyriad we know today- where wars are strange events, where the attack of a new player is an event for wonder and amazement. TMM was a turning point for Illyriad, where the game could have followed the path of Travian, Tribal Wars, Grepolis and many more, and become 'just one of those games' where to have even a hope of surviving you had to be there in the beginning. Or it could've done what it did, and become a game where newbies are defended, fed and encouraged. Is this a good thing, or a bad thing?
WE vs PoS/VALAR/Calaquendi
This war does seem to be for slightly... dubious causes. Allegedly, the Prisoners of Society began to fight WE after Cyan, the largest player in WE, was accused of thieving from PoS, Calaquendi and VALAR members. Although the surviving members of WE, such as RMY Sgt-Shankstar, still deny the allegations to this day, they were believed by the trio of WE's enemies and they started to thieve, attack and eventually siege Cyan. Yearick and other WE members attempted to defend the man, but WE were badly outnumbered and Cyan and Yearick were sieged to the ground.
The First Tournament- Armok's Blood Bowl
While this tournament is not the acknowledge first tournament, since it was player built rather than designed by the GMs. It was the first competition between players, however, and for that reason it deserves its position in this list.
A position, or a 'flag' was chosen in the southwest of the map. The winner would either be the person to hold the location for 48 hours or for the longest period over 35 days. 8 players were allowed to participate, all from different alliances. No military aid was allowed to be given.
The players who participated were some random guy (actual name, not just me forgetting), Ulrich Heintz, Lionz Heartz, G0DsDestroyer, Amorphias (handicapped at one city), duuvian, Smoking GNU (handicapped at two cities and one inexperienced commander) and -hypocritical-. The third place contest got 50k gold and 1k adv res, second got 100k gold and 2k adv res, and the third place prize got the rest of the stockpile. This was 400k gold, 200 saddles, 3500 plate, 1000 swords, 1000 chain, 100 siege blocks, 1500 books, 2000 beer, 1250 cows, 600 horses, 1000 bows and 120k of the four types of basic resources. Most interestingly, however, GM Stormcrow offered 100 Brood mothers, Elder Weavers and Errant Knights.
In the end, the winner was Amorphias, with second going to duuvian and G0Ds coming third.
Uuntaar and Jargas, two fellows of like mind, chose a place in Lucerna to raise their banner. They looked around and understood that all alliances were the same, all of them unwilling to create war. Therefore, in 281, 172 they chose to create a war guild known as Dark Blight. Burning Hate would be their capital. Instantly, followers came into the ranks. Xerkael, an elf magician. Jrtheman, a human knight. XcerberusX, an orcish commander. LadyBreni, a dwarf woman possessing a mighty hammer layered in sorcery and the skill to use it. Uuntaar was well pleased with his followers, particularly with Jargas and XcerberusX. But unknown to Uuntaar, Jrtheman did not have the right frame of mind that was needed to be one of the Horde. He feared the ruthlessness of true soldiers like Uuntaar. He was not a an who was suited for war. With interesting curiosity, at a similar time to the rise of the Dark Blight another guild rose in Lucerna, led by a Knight who had taken the somewhat supercilious title of Lionheart the Brave. He formed the Brotherhood of Knights, an alliance for the pursuit of the righteousness. He gathered his own recruits, soldiers such as Alesayr and Jack Aubrey. Dark Blight personally disliked this guild, but Uuntaar had more on his mind than these men. Jrtheman, however, did not. He saw the guild and knew that his moment of betrayal was near. He fled the Dark Blight and joined the Brotherhood. Hostilities began quickly afterwards. The war was long, the war was bitter. The Brotherhood had more supporters, and soon Uuntaar was beat into submission. However he quickly gathered new recruits, soldiers like Shrea, Metallicus ,Nokigon and Cediris. Together they attacked once more, and this time it was the Brotherhood who fell before the swords. However, the Brotherhood had, in their short time in Illyriad, managed to gather powerful friends. An alliance that was greater in numbers than the two alliances put together took pity on the brotherhood. The Calaquendi answered the call, and peace was forced upon them both. Uuntaar stayed in his capital, thirsting for revenge. The opportunity came quicker than expected. Jack Aubrey, the greatest knight of the Brotherhood, left the war and the Calaquendi judged their work to be done. Soon, the hordes of Dark Blight had destroyed the towns of their ex-comrade, Jrtheman, and slain his comrades. Dark Blight had won their first war. They looked eagerly for another.
They got it- and quickly. AmrothAnguireal and his brother ThingelloAnguireal came to the world of Illyriad with a pack of followers. They were weak, but when a dwarf follower of the Blight who went by the name of Antoninius raided the village of LeanderAnguireal, a follower of the clan, the Elves demanded compensation. The Lords of Dark Blight laughed, and commenced hostilities. Angered by this, the Anguireals made a brave but foolish decision to declare war upon the far more powerful Dark Blight, and their comrades-in-arms, the Unified Orc Scourge. To call it a war would, in fact, be over estimating the fight. A war implies two vaguely equal forces. This fight was a slaughter. No matter what the Elves tried, they couldn’t stop the hordes of DB from butchering their armies, one by one. And then, almost all of the hordes were destroyed by the Gods of Illyriad for multi-accounting. Only Amroth, Thingello and a couple of followers remained. They fled and made an alliance called the ETERNAL CHAMPIONS. The Hordes of Dark Blight laughed, but they had far bigger problems.
Their allied guild, US, had recently gone through a traumatic time following the death of Grog, but a recent development made the situation twice as bad. The Mal Motshans, a bullying and threatening guild made up by a series of multi-accounts led by Nige had noticed the orcs. They threatened US with one deadly and difficult decision. Join or be put to the sword. US could not stand for this, but they were not powerful enough to fight them alone. Nor were Dark Blight, come to that. But the world of Illyria would NOT stand for this, and the greatest war of the history of Illyria began. Dark Blight were the first to answer the call of US, and immediately attacked yoshitribes. Dwarven Lords came next, and flung their forces upon the armies of Juno. Wolves of the Plains and Goonies came forth, and attacked The Mal Mothsans. Finally Harmless rose, and the war began. Dark Blight, US, Harmless, Dwarven Lords, WOTP and Goonies smashed the armies of the Mal Motshans and burnt their cities in only 14 short days. The tyrants were slain, slain running from the sinking ship that was the Mal Motshans. For the first time, Dark Blight’s prowess in battle was acknowledged by the other alliances. They were now far more powerful than ever before.
The biggest war ever in the history of DB began in December. Following an attack upon the Calaquendi in revenge for the BOK War, war began on Christmas Day. The Lords of Dark Blight eagerly charged to battle. The tables had turned considerably since the BOK war. Now, superior forces and planning meant that the Calaquendi were soon losing the war. But unknown to the Warriors of Dark Blight, Cala had recently accepted a long-standing offer from the Crows, arguably the greatest alliance in Illyriad due to their sister alliances, to join the ranks of the Crows. And the Crows, particularly Crows Beak, considered Cala’s (now Calaquendi Crow, or Calcr) war their own. Dark Blight were forced back. Such was the ferocity possessed by the Crows that many great warriors were slain. Metallicus. Uuntaar. Lady breni. Antoninius. All of these warriors left the world of Illyriad in the face of the great assault. Uuntaar remained long enough only to sign the peace treaty, which was that an NAP shall be signed with all of the Crows, with Calaquendi and Crows Beak receiving an Escrow of 1 million gold. And after this Uuntaar never returned from the land of Illyria. For the first time, Dark Blight had lost a war. In the face of this many more left, until the forces of Dark Blight were led by xCerberusx. Serving under him was Aberdon, a great warrior, along with Belthazor, Nokigon, Vertigo, Viswanathan, Carl Zeis and a large amount of other warriors. But in the period of time that Dark Blight could have re-joined the world with new strength, and quite possibly with a far less aggressive outlook, a new war was sparked that spelled the end of the great alliance. Amroth Anguireal could hold a grudge. Barely two weeks after the Signing of the NAPs, attacks began against members of the Dark Blight such as Andycapp and Aberdon. War was declared. The fighting was long, the fighting was bitter. Slowly, one by one, the remaining warriors of Dark Blight fell. Baldrick, Viswanathan, even xCerberusx- especially when LWO joined the war, Dark Blight died. Inactivity slew them all. Finally, after nearly four months of war Carl Zeis stood. He said one word. “Enough.” Carl Zeis and Nokigon planned a move of alliance, led by his alt. We gave an offer to the entire alliance, the ones which were still alive. It was bleak. “This once great alliance is a graveyard. There are barely 5 people still alive here. Nokigon, Vertigo, Belthazor and I plan to move to the Cave of Knowledge, an alliance led by me through my alt. All of you may come with me, and I hope you will do just that. Thank you.” Sityviper, Vertigo, Belthazor, Carl Zeis and Nokigon all went over immediately. Carl Zeis recruited new players, foremost amongst which were Luc_ and Makanalani. Soon, Gracen came through, bringing with him Big Casino and Tarquinious. Metalman came next, and then Rashaverak. Hope ignited in the hearts of the ex-Dark Blight soldiers. Finally Urgorr the Old, a new recruit came through, then Ciku, Warrrgh Boss, Pawdit2004, SailMaster, jshaggy, Aegrus, El papa, AlphonseEric, PhilBurt, Dain Ironfoot and Roes. Out of these, only three left the alliance. Dain Ironfoot was offered a place in Dlords, and left with good grace. Warrgh Boss left to form his own alliance, a sister alliance to FDU. And Aegrus left after the discovery of a spy in their ranks, with an out-of-context chatlog being posted on the forums. The true identity of the spy has never been discovered, although no other logs have been posted since then. But during the influx of new recruits, the veterans of Dark Blight watched Aberdon joined a sister alliance of the ETERNAL CHAMPIONS, who along with Aberdon’s new alliance LostSoulsDeliverance (LSD) started to burn the cities of DB. Unable to defend their lost comrades, for fear of starting another war, the Cave could only capture their comrade’s cities themselves, lest they be burnt. Dark Blight was finished, and alone amongst the world the Cave remembered them with fondness. They now look to the world, with a new sheet turned. The principles of DB were gone, all Cave wanted to do was to protect their members and enjoy the game. They had seen the realities of war, far more so than possibly anyone else. They wanted none of it.
The Newbie Guide
Originally written by The_dude with the goal to educate newbies about the goings of Illyriad.
After an unfortunate event which is currently unknown, The_dude erased the guide for meta-game purposes.
Then GM Thundercat reposted the guide but after an argument it was erased again to prove the GMs didn't choose sides in in-game politics
Another member who had seen this guide and saw its use had saved the guide, not knowing it was part of a meta-game he posted this guide on forums The_dude took this badly and saw it as an intervention in his metagame sending several diplo missions against the player.
Although this was unfortunate he was still the original author of the guide and had the right to decide what happened with it.
The player who had made the mistake is mana he later on added new parts to the guide softening up the rough guide we owe gratitude to this player as well.
Newbie Packages
This began when a player called Lorre first started and had the misfortune of landing next to a player who wanted to "test" thieves and blight regularly even when they were invited in Dlord. Never speaking a word about this never able to prove the culprit, Lorre started to work on a "solution" seeing the vault didn't help much, his logic was produce more then they can steal.
After focussing mines for the better part of 2 months Lorre soon had more resources then he knew what to do with and then he sent resources out in Dlord when he knew someone was needed them, His caravan capacity not being enough, Lorre maxed his marketplace. At the same time, out of habit, he built his 2nd city in same as his first, ending up with more res then they could deal with. Then he decided to venture into global chat, soon getting to know the people there Lorre realized this game was different and was more then willing to help.
Lorre started shipping to as many newbies as he had caravans. After some time, more and more people started doing this and when Ladyluvs came into the game, the newbie packages started to get standardized.
With more and more people starting to "pay it forward" no newb had to fear of getting nothing. the only requirement was being noticed
2011-Major Events
The King's First Tournament
Capture the flags! It was a fairly simple principle, in fact identical to the recent tournament to celebrate the game's second anniversary, except for there being less squares- 8 squares, at [500,500], [500,0], [500,-500], [0,500], [0,-500], [-500, 0], [-500,500] and [-500,-500]. The person who had held the squares for the longest wins the tournament. Easy as. As you could probably imagine, Harmless won the tournament- holding their squares by 95 days. In second place, Tranquil Vision, holding the squares for 43 days, whilst in third came the Curse of the Wolves, holding the squares for 35 days. After that was Goonies, then Invictus, Dwarven Lords, Murder of Crows, Good Company, Toothless, Prisoners of Society, Aesir, Unified Orc Scourge, Crows Beak, the Commonwealth, the Order of the Phoenix, Hey That's My Bike, Res Ipsa Loquitor and Free Defence Union. Harmless got 20million gold to their coffers, 50 Elite Praetorian Guardsmen per PARTICIPATING member, 200 prestige per participating member and an Obelisk to be placed on the map in reward for their victory. You can see this statue at [-282, -511]. Tranquil Vision got 10 million gold to their coffers, 35 Elite Praetorian Guardsmen per participating member and 160 prestige per participating member, whilst Curse got 6 million gold to their coffers, 20 Elite Praetorian Guardsmen and 120 prestige per participating member.
[500,500] was won by Harmless, [500,0] was won by Goonies, [500,-500] was won by Invictus, [0,500] was won by Tranquil Vision, [0,-500] was won by Harmless, [-500, 0] was won by Tranquil Vision, [-500,500] was won by Curse of the Wolves and [-500,-500], which was won by Harmless. The alliances who won the square got 5 million gold to their coffers, plus 50 Praetorian Guardsmen and 100 prestige per participating member. Other statistics which may be of interest are as follows:
· Harmless suffered the heaviest losses whilst attacking, losing 234k troops. After them come Invictus, then Dwarven Lords.
· Tranquil Vision lost the most defending- a huge 477k troops were lost. After that came Curse of the Wolves, then Goonies.
· HonoredMule lost the most troops during attacks, losing 64k troops, after which came Sloter5 then flipper.
· Pasi lost the most during defence- 57k troops- after which came Shakyala then Tanis.
· Out of all of the troops lost in attacks, 142k were Knights, 124k were trueshots and 113k were Stalwarts.
· Out of all the troops lost in defence, 157k were Trueshots, 131k were Longbowmen and 95k were Pikemen.
· 85 siege engines were lost in the competition. Whoever sent them needs a lesson in how to fight :P
King's 2nd Tournament- Bloodthirst for Knowledge
This tournament came surprisingly quickly after the first. Two months is all the people of Illy had to replenish their forces, but this new tournament was different to the first. The first tournament was an alliance tournament; this was a one-player tournament.
The official line, in the role-playing aspect of things, was that a new museum of Natural History had been built at Centrum. King Sigurd, in the interests of achieving specimens of all of these different creatures, requested that the 'Lords and Ladies' of Illyriad send their troops far and wide to capture anatomical specimens of these creatures. The players of Illy would be paid 10 gold pieces for each piece of anatomical evidence captured, and the winners of the five categories- the Idividual and Alliance categories for Largest Collection and Most Unique connection, and in addition the Individual awards for best hunter of one specific animal. For the Individual winners of Largest Collection and Most Unique collection, they would receive 300 free prestige and 50 Elite Praetorian Guardsmen; for second 200 prestige and 30 elite praetorians and third they would receive 100 prestige and 10 Elite Praetorians. For each player in an alliance which wins a category, there is 150 prestige and 15 elite praetorians, for each player in a category runner-up there is 100 prestige and 10 Praetorian Guardsmen, and for each player in an alliance which comes third in a category there is 50 prestige and 5 Praetorians. Finally, each player who gathers the most animal parts from one specific animal get 100 prestige and 10 Praetorians. You couldn't steal the animal parts from other players.
For each animal part gained, a player could get 10 gold pieces.
Many people, when they read the rules of the tournament, assumed that Harmless would do what they had done in the previous tournament- and win. But in actuallity, it was Valar who was starting to take the lead, so Harmless resorted to less well known and simple tactics.
They identified their main and most dangerous competitors- for example, Boromir, the number one attacker. Then, they watched the spawn spots around this person's city, and when a legion or a host came up they would send one diplomat to this square, thus employing the 'locking mechanism' which exists so that when you send troops to squares, you don't arrive disappointed (it's basically that when you send troops to NPCs they're locked in place and won't respawn elsewhere. The Devs decided this was not an exploit, and with some grumbling Illy got on with it. However, it did them no good.
In the Alliance Category, Largest Collection, Valar won, Harmless came second and Peace came third.
In the Alliance Category most Unique collection, Valar won, mCrow came second and Peace came third (Harmless came fourth).
In the Individual Category Largest collection, Boromir won, darkone came second and ScottFitz came third.
In the Individual Category Most Unique Collection, Raritor won, Sloter came second and Boromir came third.
For Individual Hunters:
Alligator: Kurdruk
Anaconda: Rhea
Arctic Wolves: Tanis
Baboons: torshavn
Black Bears: Jerec Cross
Black Panthers: _duQ
Brown Bears: pepe
Cobras: Sir-Les
Coral Snake: sooner
Cyclopes: shawdow
Elephants: Empress Olivia
Fire Salamanders: Kumomoto
Gharials: Raritor
Giant Beetles: torshavn
Giant Rats: Boromir
Giant Scorpions: sooner
Giant Scuttlers: Boromir
Giant Snakes: Boromir
Giant Spiders: Boromir
Golden Monkeys: Kumomoto
Ice Salamanders: Gunfo
Jaguars: Yahweh
Leopards: Amorphias
Lions: Kumomoto
Mammoths: Gunfo
Massive Scarabs: _duQ
Poisonous Crawlers: Beerman
Polar Bears: Angrum
Pumas: torshavn
Rhinoceros: Amorphias
Roaming Trolls: darkone
Salamanders: threefootthree
Saurians: Beerman
Scaled Chargers: Boromir
Scritchers: Boromir
Simien Wolves: Korg!
Snow Leopards: Telchar
Tigers: Sir-Les
White Tigers: Beerman
Wild dogs: Boromir
Wolves: Boromir
12,972,554 NPCs died in this tournament, and 5,099,860 player troops. This included 246 siege engines and 1662 Praetorian Guardsmen gained in the last tournament.
Now, this incident definitely deserves it's place in the history book. It cemented the frame of mind which is held in Illy to this day, and made the game different to the other games which are out there which do not care about new players and the like.
The Order of the Valar was an alliance that, like almost all other alliances, had a leader and then various officers. The leader was Azreil, but his main officers were players such as tigre, darkone- and _duQ, who you may remember from winning two categories in the second tournament. But _duQ had a player near him, a player called berberos. And after some territory squabbles between the two of them- there seems to be no true way to get to the bottom of this story. Berberos claims that _duQ thought he was too close to him, _duQ claims that berberos had insulted him and killed some of his caravans. I shan't take sides, but only tell you the facts. So, _duQ first bribed berberos to move, then threatened him and his alliance, Nightbringers, to remain silent. Eventually, _duQ placed a siege on berberos' town; but then Createure broke this siege with his cavalry. _duQ continued attacking berberos, in what he claimed was a great master plan to draw Harmless' troops away from them. If this is true, however, he was let down by the members of his own alliance.
Meanwhile, berberos had gone to GC. Lorre heard about it, and started announcing loudly in Global Chat about how he would defend berberos, even at one point leaving PA so that he wouldn't draw his alliance into it. _duQ didn't defend himself at this point, which in the eyes of some proved his guilt. Meanwhile, Createure continued to defend berberos.
A separate incident, which was actually the real reason that _duQ was ejected from his alliance, was that _duQ attempted to bump Anjire's caravans, then antagonise him by occupying close to his town. Things escalated, but then Azreil eventually decided enough was enough and kicked _duQ from the alliance.
Come the spring of 2011, there was a small tidal wave of new alliances as the game enjoyed a surge of popularity- possibly due, in no small part, to the efforts of Beau Hindman. One of these new alliances was called Havoc Unleashed, and it was led by a man called Johnny112. He had a number of alliance members but a number of them didn't like his rule. They split off from the main alliance and formed a second alliance, known as Knights Templar. The players who formed this alliance were Baughb, StJude, Gaia Nutella Tulips, Majono and StJill. StJude was one of the most vocal players in Illyriad, which is probably why what started out as a war between alliances where nobody could use siege engines was turned into a war which earned the attention of some of the largest players in the game, and later turned into a war with some of the largest alliances in the game.
So, KT began, under the leadership of Baughb and with StJude as his spokesperson (anyone who wishes to take that time to browse the Politics and Diplomacy subforum will probably understand why I shy away from using the word 'diplomat'), to thieve and blight some of the smaller players of Havoc Unleashed. It was only a matter of time until they were caught, since that was in the era where large groups of players on GC would watch a diplo return to its home- before the age of diplo visibility radii. Sure enough, they were caught, and war was started between Havoc and KT. It was largely a newb war, but it spiced up when a couple of KT members researched the siege technology and placed two sieges and a blockade on Johnny 112's capital, sieges which Havoc were unable to remove until three large players, Amroth Anguireal, Belthazor and Nokigon, destroyed the sieges and blockade. Nokigon and Belthazor hit KT with some thieves and scouts, before stopping and allowing the conflict to continue at its usual rate. Soon, the alliance 'Empire of Qingdao' under the leadership of Clavicus Vile joined the fray, and after a couple of months of stalemate the war ended. Only for it to be restarted again, a couple of months later... That, however, sort of fizzled out. Around this rough time, Baughb was suspended for multiaccounting, then RES and Champ started fighting KT and Jude decided to declare war on nearly every alliance in Illyria. Soon Harmless joined the fight, but little records exist after that point because a far more momentous occasion happened and Jude drifted into inactivity. And with Jude, KT died pretty quickly.
King's Third Tournament- Harvest the Elementals
The official story, posted in the herald, was as follows. Elementals, apparently, have always existed in the land of Illyriad, and at this point in time Geomancer Herrolf, the master of Earth in the Circle of Five, announced that the Circle could now accurately predict where and when elementals will arise. He explained that they rose when the energies given out by death joined with the natural spirits in the land, and that the old tournament sites were therefore the place where hundreds of elementals would spawn over the next thirty days. In addition, they had heard troubling reports of these elementals spawning in abandoned cities, seemingly drawn by the death there like moths to a flame.
The reality.... the Third Tournament was here. The 8 tournament squares from the first tournament was the sites for elementals to rise, 4 times a day, and to be able to capture these elementals you had to be the person occupying this square when the elemental was spawned. Originally there were elementals spawning into abandoned cities, however this was causing coding issues and were removed. 20 prestige was awarded for each elemental captured, and each person who got the most elementals in the individual squares would be awarded a commemorative statue.
I won't post a day to day account of this tournament, since this document is already 8 pages long on Word and to do that would push it all the way up to 10. The long and the short of it was that the results are as follows:
-500|500 (Fire Elementals) : Won by Jezma of Crows.
0|500 (Earth Elementals): Won by Tanis of Curse
500|500 (Air elementals): Won by Capricorne of Crow
500|0 (Water elementals): Won by gixy of Curse
500|-500 (Fire elementals): Won by Mandarins31 of VIC
0|-500 (Earth Elementals): TIE between Sloter, Pasi and flipper of VIC, WE and Dlords respectively
-500|-500 (Air Elementals): Won by Llyorn of Jaensch of H?
-500|0 (Water Elementals): Won by Ector the Fury of Crow.
PA And Confederates vs S&B+Alts
PA was once, and in many ways still is (in its new form as II) a greatly respected alliance with a great number of confederates. Some of those confederates included mCrow, WoT, and the Cave of Knowledge. PA was always very vocal, with Lorre often standing up for what he believed in. And of course, there was the duQ business mentioned earlier. Lorre won a lot of respect with his actions.... but in a lot of fields, he lost it also.
Zork2010, a player only accessible through his sitter in S&B - at this point, many believed the sitter to be Borg, another S&B player- sent thieves to one of Lorre's cities, Tal'Pat'Ryn. A second wave was soon sent, as well as five armies from S&B players and a war declaration. However, this was a foolish move on the behalf of S&B, for Zork did not plan the arrival of many of the allies of PA. The following message was sent to all of the allies of Lorre: Most Loyal friends and Confederates of Lorre;
Respected Alliance, [Insert alliance name here]:
Lorre and Persona Armoniosa {P A} request your support.
Respected Alliance, [Insert alliance name here]:
Lorre and Persona Armoniosa {P A} request your support.
Taken from the Diplomacy page in the Herald:
Skull& Bones [S & B] and Persona Armoniosa [{P A}] enter War Fri, Aug 05, 2011
Skull& Bones [S & B] and Persona Armoniosa [{P A}] enter War Fri, Aug 05, 2011
War has been declared on {P A} after Lorre was hit by large number of thieves at his city “Tal'pat'Ryn.” These attacks were tracked to a former member of S&B. A second wave of thieves was launched, war was declared, and five armies were launched on Lorre along with several other armies launched at other players by S&B members. Tal'pat'Ryn’s defenses will soon fail - and with time, Lorre's city will likely fall.
Send these words to your finest soldiers:
Prepare your troops! Ready your diplomats!
We wait only for word from Lorre, at which time the counter strike will begin!
That was sent to Nokigon shortly after the declaration. In any case, the point is the same. The confederates of Lorre went to war against S&B, but speaking from a Cave point of view when they sent a siege against a S&B city known as Alexandria, they were struck by countless cavalry strikes that went far and beyond the military force that their scouts had led them to believe that they would be facing. The reason for this? The sender of the cavalry strikes was not from S&B, but from a Curse player known as roller. And on the forums, a known troll called Lionz Heart- a troll, however, who had been high up in the Curse leadership- accused roller of being the sitter of both Zork and Borg. The plot, as they say, thickens. Soon after, S&B fled to Curse.
Prepare your troops! Ready your diplomats!
We wait only for word from Lorre, at which time the counter strike will begin!
So, PA and co formed an embassy, contacted Iduna- the then leader of Curse- and they discussed condition. Cave were compensated for troops, and if Nokigon remembers correctly Iduna was intending to punish roller in some way. However, the morning brought a new surprise. Roller, bringing the accounts Spirit and Borg, joined either VALAR or their sister alliance MAIAR. The S&B war was over, but a far greater storm cloud was gathering on the horizon.
Shortly after roller took shelter in Valar Lorre and Amroth Anguireal, leaders of PA and Champ, declared war on Valar. At first, few people went to war alongside Lorre- Valar was, at the time, the second biggest alliance in the game, after all. Curse was also involved since they were attempting to get revenge from roller and spirit for abandoning Curse. And then Harmless joined in, starting a true war for the first time in 18 months according to Killer Poodle. After Harmless joined the fight, there was something of a tidal wave of alliance joining. WoT, Dlords, mCrow..... A lot of alliance joined the war against Valar. Why? Well, in Nokigon's mind Kurdruk put it quite well. It could be one or more of 7 reasons: 1) Harmless want revenge for losing a tournament. Quite petty.
2) It's because of a small group of people are finally using their armies to back up their mouths. Certainly, during _duQ and S&B Lorre in particular was very mouthy.
3) Valar are bullies and this was their comeuppance.
4) It's because of Roller and Spirit, etc- due to Valar taking in bloodsoaked refugees this massive tidal wave of war has been sparked.
6) Some players are bored. Actually, this is more likely than one would think- Harmless had fun as one of its 5 motives for war.
7) All, several, or some of the above.
The answer to these is one that you get for a number of important questions: the world may never know. Whatever the reason may have been, war arrived, in all of its fury, and whilst many expected a decent fight despite the great disparity in size- as seen in Tournament II, Valar had some damn good fighters- Boromir, a member of Valar, was at the time No.1 in Attack. And anyway, Valar were still pretty damn big. If they had held back and let themselves get attacked, and only sent out troops to destroy sieges, then they might have been able to form a stand that would be remembered forever. They could have crippled a number of alliances, but after all it is very easily said but not so easily done. And anyway, Harmless were good tacticians. It was almost certainly less easy than the way which Nokigon has portrayed the combat. But this eventuality exists only in Nokigon's mind, and either way, this was not what happened.
Of course, not everyone joined the fight. Nokigon and Jasche, representing the Cave and VIC, both posted on the forums counselling peace, mostly because they were unhappy about the sheer weight of numbers, but as it happened their counsel was unnecessary. Peace arrived with the ejection of Azreil and darkone from Valar, and CristinaZah took the leadership of Valar in order to negotiate peace. The third world war of Illy was over.
Tournament IV: The Undead Horde
About halfway through December, the Rift was formed. The in game background to this was that one of the Circle of Five's mages had been performing experiments in Ursor with the aid of some of the shamans of the Blood Reavers, when his experiment went disastrously wrong. What this meant for Illyriad: a new tournament was here, and it was different to any that have come before.
The players had to occupy a standing stone with an army and then defend it overnight against the armies of Undead that came to meet you there. Alternatively, you could have occupied a square at the Rift in Ursor at 533|835. The object of this was that all the players were divided into Leagues according to their population, and they had to compete with other members of their League to gain experience for their commander. At the end of the thirty days, the winner was the one with the most experience for their commander in their League. He/she would get 450 prestige and a T-Shirt. For second would be 250 prestige an Illyriad T-Shirt, and third would be 150 prestige and a T-Shirt. The Undead varied in size and unit type, formed skeleton warriors to zombies to undead dragons. At the end of the tournament, the results were as follows.
League A - Population 100k+
1st - Naper
2nd - Naper
3rd - Torshavn
League B - Population 100k-50k
1st - Silverlake
2nd - Createure
3rd - Sir-John
League C - Population 50k-20k
1st - Sibh
2nd - Lune Noire
3rd - NightFury
League D - Population 20k-5k
1st - Stealthy
2nd - Arthurian
3rd - Grisna
League E - Population 5k-2k
1st - Ahaliel
2nd - BenDover
3rd - FortchernKavanagh
League F - Population 2k-500
1st - Locke
2nd - Sansoran
3rd - R-Man
League G - Population 500 and below
1st - Miradamian
2nd - Jadedthang
3rd - Lady Bethadhiell
Yes, that's right: Naper got first and second place with two different commanders in League A.
2012- Major Events
The orcs of the Black Skull Horde had earlier in the year formed the tightest packed mega-confederation in the game with the Colony and the Skullcrusher's Horde, a mega-confederation that is called the Dominion of the Dark Star. Based in Mal Motsha, it was a force to be reckoned with. In addition, they had a couple of allies who were not in the Dominion; such as the Armory, or the Cave of Knowledge (although the Cave has since joined this group).
However, it is inevitable for an alliance of Orcs to be considered more aggressive, if not necessarily war-mongering, than most other alliances. And they were 'fundamentally opposed' to an alliance by the name of Love World Order, an alliance which was more of an anarchical alliance that promoted love and peace. This alliance started storming the cities of the Black Skull Horde with thieves, and when they were eventually caught they gave two reasons for their attacks. The first was that LWO was fundamentally opposed to BSH, as has already been stated, and the second was that they were allied to the Cave- who they considered to simply be DB.
Since this offended Cave, and in any case cave were allied to BSH, the Cave went to war alongside BSH and TCol. The plan was that the Cave and BSH would perform the offensive, whilst TCol would stay in reserve and protect Dominion cities. As it turned out, this was unnecessary and TCol were free to give Dlords a run for its money in Mal Motsha. The Cave sieged 3 cities, and BSH sieged 2. Only one of the sieges, one from BSH, succeeded however- a combination of several bugs and forces from LWO killed a couple of sieges. However, the thing that defeated most of the sieges is the delaying tactics that LWO employed a number of times- whilst LWO Seaside amongst other cities were ready to fall, LWO attempted to call for peace. However, this was a delaying action, and sieges continued. Confessor's Palace, a city heavily defended by LWO belonging to Altaria, fell under a BSH siege reinforced by Cave troops.
Eventually, LWO called for peace for real. Their main members scattered, and LWO was reduced to a fraction of their former power. Despite BSH originally attending to push for terms, Skull was persuaded that what had already been achieved was significant. This war was over.
Tournament V: The 2nd Anniversary
Surprisingly quickly for the GMs, the fifth tournament arrived around late February to celebrate the beginning of the third year that the game has been running for. And, in typical Dev style, they did it by killing a bunch of our troops.
For each of the regions in the game, there was a square. 37 in all, they were a variety of terrain types and biomes. An alliance tournament, the winner of each square gained 25 prestige and 10 Praetorian Guardsmen per participating player. There were no second place prizes. The alliance that had the total highest amount of hours held through the squares got 1 year's worth of free service at the Enjin website which included a bunch of excellent tools. In addition to this they got a Tournament statue, 50 elite praetorians and 50 scribes of Allembine per participating player. The second placed alliance gained 6 months of service from TypeFrag, a statue, 35 elite Praetorians and 35 Scribes of Allembine. The third place placed alliance gained the same as second, except with 20 elite Praetorians and scribes of Allembine instead of 35. The alliances that won squares are:
Harmless [H?]: Azura, Farra Isle, Kumala, Lan Larosh, Qarosslan, Ragallon, Rill Archipelago, Stormstone Island, Tallimar, Tor Carrock, Ursor and Windlost
Invictus [VIC]: Arran, Elijal, Keppen and Zanpur
Victrix [VICX]: Djebeli and Larn
Curse of the Wolves [Curse]: Fremorn, Meilla and Kal Tirikan
Murder of Crows [mCrow]: Kem and Norweld
Crows Nest [nCrow]: Keshalia and Tamarin
D'Haran Empire [DE]: Kul Tar
Toothless [T?]: Laoshin
The Crows [Crow]: Lucerna
Dwarven Lords [Dlord]: Mal Motsha, Taomist and Perrigor
Knights Virtue [~KV~]: The Wastes
~Tranquil~Vision~ [Peace]: The Western Realms and Middle Kingdom
Absaroke [Absa]: Trome and Turalia
Some statistics are that 21,162,565 troops died in this tournament. 8112289 humans, 6439081 elves, 4971448 dwarves and 1637486 orcs- as well as nearly a thousand tournament reward troops and 1074 Scrawny Wolves.
Other statistics include: Sloter, fighting a 69k casualty battle in Tor Carrock, which was the biggest battle in the world at that time; Harmless posting a record for the largest number of troops on an encampment- 630k troops; Fremorn was the highest casualty square; and the poor Elf Trueshot, suffering 2.7 million casualties; Peace, losing 2.5million troops- the irony...
The Long Road
The Long Road was an alliance founded by a player known as Eternal Fire. This player had previously played Illyriad in a large number of different accounts, such as Kurfist and Attila the Hun, and his poor reputation acquired over these previous accounts would come back to haunt him in his latest visit.
TLR was founded in late 2011. Some months after this, a few leading TLR members left the alliance to form a new one- The Liberation [HEAT]. Through the use of a spy, TLR discovered that they were preparing for war against TLR. TLR declared war pre-emptively and managed to win a victory against HEAT.
A few months later, after some heated verbal rhetoric in GC (in other words a slagging off war) a state of war was declared between TLR and The Red Order under Thordor. Despite some offers of aid from leading members of nCrow, TLR once again won their war. However, some of the details of the terms of surrender meant that TRO had to give medals (involving giving RL money) to members of TLR. This caused a lot of outrage in the community and lead to Aesir going to war against TLR in retaliation. However, they backed down after public opinion then turned against them, and alliances such as BSH threatened to defend TLR. However, the term in the ToS about giving medals was quietly removed.
At this time, a lot of dissent started to brew in TLR. EF became paranoid and slightly erratic in his actions, and he alienated those around him. When EF ignored several important messages from The Duke of Shade, The Duke sent a few blockades to EF's capital. In retaliation, EF declared war. For many in TLR this was the last straw. Whilst the war went ahead, soon most people in TLR left to form a new alliance- Trivium.
This engagement was the first time that the alliance Night Crusaders, a relatively small fighting alliance, came to the attention of the wider community. They would later have a defining role on the future of Illyriad.
NC declared war on STEEL on the 9th of September... or perhaps more accurately, they declared war on Gimardoran, the leader of Steel Confessors. They claimed in their opening post that it was because "he annnoys us" and because they wanted to enjoy the war game. They added later that there were many issues that Gimardoran had caused between STEEL and NC.
This caused split reactions amongst the community; many felt that their honesty in their reasons should be applauded, whilst others thought that it was setting a dangerous precedent. Some even went so far as to claim that it would become the norm to fight people for the sake of entertainment, which would lead to them leaving the game.
HANSA and DARK both declared war on NC to defend STEEL, but this did not stop NC from razing Gimardoran's capital. KCrow also offered aid to STEEL. However, after NC razed Gimardoran's capital, they offered unconditional peace.
Tournament VI: The Dark Harvest
On October 1st, the Devs announced a new tournament. This was essentially similar to the last tournament- there was a square per region, and an alliance had to hold it for as long as possible. The area where the tournaments differed was that you gained points for holding the tournament square not for the longest period of time, but for holding it at the start of every hour.
At the start of every hour, during the first week, ten souls were "harvested" by the alliance holding the square. After the first week, the bloodiest squares attracted more souls. The bloodiest square in each week attracted an extra 10 souls per hour; the tenth bloodiest attracted an extra 1, the second bloodiest attracted 9 and so on. It last for four weeks and ended at midnight on October 31st.
The prizes:
For EACH SQUARE (most souls gathered throughout the month):
1st Place: 40 Skyclad Warriors and a tournament sword to each participating player in that alliance.
2nd Place: 20 Skyclad Warriors to each participating player in that alliance.
3rd Place: 10 Skyclad Warriors to each participating player in that alliance.
For the OVER ALL winners (most souls gathered in total during the month):
1st Place: 6000 Prestige to the Alliance Prestige pool, an Alliance Tournament Statue, and a tournament victor's Gold Medal for all participating members of the Alliance.
2nd Place: 4000 Prestige to the Alliance Prestige pool, and a tournament victor's Silver Medal for all participating members of the Alliance.
3rd Place: 2000 Prestige to the Alliance Prestige pool, and a tournament victor's Bronze Medal for all participating members of the Alliance.
The Skyclad Warriors did cause some disappointment; they were less effective than Kobold Cohorts, and although they were supposed to have a Special Ability, this ability did not work.
The top 3 overall winners were:
1st The Crows [Crow] with 60705 souls collected.
2nd Crows Nest [nCrow] with 36682 souls collected.
3rd Pending... [Soon™] with 35918 souls collected.
Individual square winners were:
Pending... [Soon™] with Arran, Azura, The Western Realms and Wolgast.
The Crows [Crow] with Djebeli, Lucerna, Perrigor, Trome, Turalia, Windlost and Zanpur.
The Crow's Wings [CrowW] with Elijal.
Slaves to Armok [StA] with Farra Isle and Rill Archipelago.
Elysian Fields [Shade] with Fremorn, Kal Tirikan, Lan Larosh and The Wastes.
Victrix [VICX] with Kem and Larn.
Toothless [T?] with Keppen.
Crows Nest [nCrow] with Keshalia, Qarosslan, Tamarin and Taomist.
SnugglersCrowalition [HUGcr] with Kul Tar.
Kaendran Crows [KCrow] with Kumala.
Eight Hand Crow [eCrow] with Laoshin.
The Colony [TCol] with Mal Motsha and Ragallon.
Curse of the Wolves [Curse] with Meilla.
Calaquendi Crow [Calcr] with Middle Kingdom.
Murder of Crows [mCrow] with Norweld.
Dwarven Druids [Druid] with Stormstone Island.
Chosen Eagles [CE] with Tallimar.
Res Ipsa Loquitor [RES] with Tor Carrock.
AEsir [AEsir] with Ursor.
There was some glitches on a few days of the tournament, but overall it was a reasonably popular tournament. This was the first "hold a square" tournament not won by Harmless; they did not compete fully.
Consone War
On the 2nd of July, 2012, Jasche announced in the Illyriad forums that a new "mega-confederation" had been formed. This was comprised of Invictus, World's End, Knight's Virtue (which later dissolved itself, although many of their members joined Consone alliances for the later war), Absaroke, Eagles Eyrie, Dwarven Druids, Fairy Road Authority, Eagles First Flight (although this was a training alliance), Knight's Temperance (also a training alliance), Sages of Illyriad and Victrix (although Victrix later left, remaining an ally). World End Siegers and Lords of the Frost later joined.
This dramatically changed the balance of power. Whilst the Crow Federation had existed for a considerable amount of time in the game, as had Harmless? and their close allies, Harmless and the Crowfed had enjoyed an amicable relationship for a considerable amount of time (until things went sour in late 2013). Consone and Harmless did not have the benefit of this relationship, and many Consone and many Harmless players openly criticised each other, and accused the other of bullying.
Allegations of bullying and oppression continued to blight Consone's history. Harmless claimed that Consone used the weight of their considerable size to allow themselves to conduct their negotiations with overt aggression. Consone claimed something similar in response to Harmless.
Eventually, Rhyagelle was involved in a resource dispute with their neighbour, Skeleton Boar (not members of Consone but friends/allies of Absaroke) which was over a Trove mine, which has led to the reference to the conflict as the "Trove War" (as Trove is worthless currently, many have used this as a basis for ridicule). Whilst the two alliance were making progress towards resolving this conflict, Absaroke, intervened to kill Rhyagelle troops occupying the Trove mine. In response to this, Rhyagelle (after attempting diplomacy) declared war on Absaroke.
Absaroke called on their ally Invictus to break Rhyagelle sieges. In response, Rhyagelle called for aid from their ally, Harmless. Within a few days, Dwarven Lords and Night Crusaders also declared their aid for Rhyagelle. Very quickly, Consone was at war with Harmless and their allies (this also included Res Ipsa Loquitor, who were fighting WE in an unrelated incident). A few weeks later the Dominion, Dark Empire and Nightbringers also joined the war on Harmless' side, and the Order of the Valar (in their seemingly determined aim to fight Harmless wherever possible) joined the war on Consone's side. Affirmative Action also joined the war a few months later on Consone's side, and Trivium and the Arkadian Kingdom joined on Harmless' side.
As Harmless was the alliance that declared war on Consone, many people accused them of using the new tournament (which had begun on the first of October, and Harmless had conspicuously not competed in this tournament- something which they had never done before) to allow Consone to weaken their troops before Harmless fought them. This allegation was denied by Harmless, but many people continue to believe it.
Consone were weakened by the tournament, were spread out across the map and many of their members were not militarised. By contrast, all of the alliances fighting them were regional fighting alliances, well prepared for a war. Despite Consone's size advantage they were comprehensively defeated. Fairy Roads Authority were the first to surrender, but after a few months and several razed towns Consone itself dissolved. Over March 2013 the various alliances in Consone surrendered to the Coalition.
However, this war caused lingering resentment and bad feeling from many of the main parties. It led to the dissolution of Frost and of WE, and the peace terms (which were heavy on the amount of cities which had to be razed) caused outrage, especially in EE. In addition to that, Dark Empire felt that the conduct of the war was handled badly, such as the siege which was held to take a Silversteel mine from VIC. It set the scene for the next world war, the Coalition War, that was to come later that year. It also began to divide the leading alliances in the server into very definite sides- the Coalition, led by Harmless, and what was later to be dubbed the "Grand Alliance".
NOTE: This has been almost entirely copied from an earlier history by Nokigon
and another by Lorre. I am currently working on the Great War section but the forum is as clear as mud, with lots of people accusing other people of doing stuff.
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ReplyDeleteI wanted to post under the ingame name but I forgot, so I deleted and reposted below...
DeleteThere is a detailed account of the TRO and Æsir vs. TLR wars here: Darkness Decended
ReplyDeleteAn in depth accounting of TRIVIUM History can be found on the alliance profile, here: TRIVIUM Alliance Profile
TRIVIUM and its predecessor, TLR both played roles in the back and forth between the sides that eventually went to war in 2013-2014. TRIVIUM was the first target in that "War to End All Wars." After that war ended, when TBL opened up, what remained of TRIVIUM was one of the first alliances to relocate there in a wholesale way, paving the way for the eventual wars over land claims. Several of TRIVIUMs members are now members of SIN and GATE and continue to influence geopolitics in TBL.