YOrk / Gijak Kafak Negotiations

From: YOrk [FDU-S]
Subject: FW: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 22:26
Original Message:
Ah, c'mon. I'm going to bed, it's 3.30 am here. Hope you appreciate the secret info. Tcoil is a bunch of buggers, lets finish it for goodness sake. Not gonna pay anyone, not now.
Great lucks and good hunting,

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 22:22
Original Message:
then pay for his losses and deal with Tcol instead of me

From: YOrk [FDU-S]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 22:17
Original Message:
From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 22:08
Original Message:
> You saw him there and sent harvestors...
>That is the facts you refuse to be the gentleman and pay for his losses.
That's the way you put it. 
>Blablabla Best of luck to you
Thanx, man:) Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
At leat i hope you will enjoy that.
Best regards,

From: YOrk [FDU-S]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 22:01
Original Message:
I do not care much who got where first. Believe it or not, he sat on my kill and killed my harvesters. I do not care much about general Illy practices but you do know now it wasn't that I attacked the guy out of blue. You do know I'm  a common Illy guy that is not involved in any wars or or something, I mind my own business. OK, do what you must and let it be. I'll try to enjoy the consequences and make them fun at least. Tis but a mere game after all. Thanx for the convo,

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 21:52
Original Message:
That unfortuantly shows that Brianns army was in place and occuping the square when your havestors arrived his army was in place on the square for 2 hrs or more before your harvestors arrived. He is not to blame for that he was already there. But thank you for that it also goes to prove our timeline of events. If he intentionally killed your harvestors that means your guys were there harvesting they wasnt they was killed when they arrived. His army was already there first

From: YOrk [FDU-S]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 21:45
Original Message:
Shall I appoint as my sitter to confirm that?
YOrk's [FDU-S] army arrives at [705|-76] in Keshalia
3 days ago
03 Jun 2018 17:47:48
10  from Nyash-Myash arrived at Unclaimed Fertile Orchard [705|-76] in Keshalia but were quickly dispatched by Briann's [~NS~] army.
3 days ago 03 Jun 2018 14:48:06

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 21:37
Original Message:
If your harvestors were killed it wasnt by Briann, I have personally went through his notifications and there is not a notification on his that states he killed havestors anywhere before his army was killed. I am many things in life but I am not a liar. Your first set of harvestors that were killed wasnt killed by Briann. So it seems you jumped the gun on that one, that is why it is always scout and handle issues through leadership than trying to do it yourself. Ive learned the hard way many times

From: YOrk [FDU-S]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 21:25
Original Message:
1 my harvestes were kiled first, then I dispatched my army. I know this is true, you may say whatever you want. 2. I will compensate the losses if i get respectful attitude, not that "pay or die" stuff. If there was anything too disrespectful from my side, it was after that "you must pay or we kill you" messages. Which I regard as being rather disrespectful to me.
Now whether it blows up or gets settled is completely up to you (as the alliance) I believe. It's obvious I'm the first one to suffer here so do know I'm the first one longing to resolve it peacefuly too.

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 21:08
Original Message:
I have never denied Briann didnt kill your harvestors. But he killed them in response to you killing his army and his harvestors. He did not start this you did. On a unprotected square over 30 squares from your city. If the kill was that important to you it should have been occupied. It wasnt. You should have sent scouts to find out who was on the square and contacted us about the issue so it could have been settled simply. You didnt. You sent troops and attacked a 8k pop player. Who is just learning the hunting and gathering part of the game. I dont want to attack anyone. I want this resolved. You are showing massive disrespect to me in your attitude. I am forwarding this conversation to your leadership as proof of your unwillingness to settle this issue. Part of it has already been sent to The Mariner. FDU is a peaceful alliance that settles issues with them escalating. You on the other hand are not following your alliances policy. I have been respectful to you, though you have not. Im sorry you do not understand the leaders responsibility to protect his members interest. It is a big job. So unless you are willing to compensate Briann as requested there is no need for other igms.

From: YOrk [FDU-S]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 20:56
Original Message:
Blablabla, c' mon. Jis see it my way: I killed a legion of scaled chargers for the parts I'm most desperate about. Some guy lands aftewards klling my harvesters and start harvesting my stuff. Now you can point you are some Guardians and stuff, but let me clarify this: I do respect your ways by default but we both know I'm but a neutral player never threatening anyone. Never meant to get an issue with any alliance at all for sure. You could go kill me, you could go cover yourself with some clever arguing but you do know I never threatened your alliance in ther first place, all that "i gotta defend my alliance mates" stuff is nonsense. The same goes to FDU, they arn't a threat to anyone. Briann did enough to say I payed my bill in terms of Illy pactice. Now go kill me if you think that's a proper way of dealing weith the matter, but you gotta know you'll be living with that decision. Do make sure it was a right one then. I'm not gonna regret anything, for bugger sake
great lucks, man

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 20:44
Original Message:
The ultimatum was because of the fact no one wanted to talk about it. Brians scout landed on the sq 5 min before his army did. Ive seen his notificantion logs. His army was the first thing killed on the sq. He killed your harvestors after his troops were killed. I was online and watched it happen his army was in place 5 hrs before you attacked. I would hate for this to come to war but Myr has given her blessing for me to handle this as needed. Im not being rude to you. You are a accomplished player, I am a accomplished player you aliance has many as well as ours. I have a duty to protect my alliance and my members. This is one of those instances. Your harvesting policy on your profile is null and void. By your attack. Im sorry that this is happening but I cant stop it with compensation to my 8k population player who you attacked.

From: YOrk [FDU-S]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 20:36
Original Message:
I do not want conflict, pal, but I do not like that attitude of yours too, you know. I admit it was a misunderstanding issue and I do admit i bear the bigger half of the responsibility here, but I won't tolerate any ultimatums here. I think Briann is not completely innocent here too.  It's either we respect each other and try to negotiate it in a civil way or you can do whatever you want with my acc, bugger it.

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 20:31
Original Message:
My Friend, I dont want to take that position, settle this peacefully is the best option, Several of your alliances think so too.

From: YOrk [FDU-S]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 20:22
Original Message:
Phhhhh. "We are kul, you are shit".  Yea yea. C'mon, do remove me from Keshalia, I give you my divine permission to do that. I'd never pay anything to ignorant buggers like even though the sum you stated is pennies to me. Bugger you all, remove all my towns, for bugger sake. As if I cared. thought you are a serious alliance, but a bunch of pathetic buggers you are trying to look like a serious alliance. My butt.
You have my sincerest contempt here, a bunch of amateurs.

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 15:27
Original Message:
Tcol has the claim on Keshala, we are the Guardians of it. And according to the timeline and proof we have as you cant delete notifications the square was emptyWhen Brianns army landed. His scout report is 10minutes ahead of his army landing. He killed harvestors belonging to you after his army was killed. We have the proof. Also if it was your kill there should have been a army on it protecting it. By Illy norm that is the practice. The kill in it self was over a week old as the game harvested it the next morning. Negociations have broken down with your alliance no one will talk. Your leader was a ass to me. So if by 8:00 am pacific time 15:00 tomorrow morning game time Briann hasnt recieved compinsation in the amount of 2k saddles, 2k horses, and 5 mill gold. We as a aliance will start proceedings to remove you from Kesh.

From: YOrk [FDU-S]
Subject: RE: RE: Issue
Received: 06 Jun 2018 15:11
Original Message:
Hello there, pal.
Sorry for keeping you waiting, RL keeps me a bit busy these days, didn't even had time to answer your mail last time I was on. I believe the matter is being negotiated by FDU guys in charge. In short Briann set on my kill, killed my harvesters and started harvesting my stuff. So I sent an army to deliver my disapproval message. Briann sent thieves and lotsa nasty diplos in return which i didn't bother much about.
Please mail me if you still need any info or something.
PS damn, could you tell me where I can read about all those land claims? I've been here for some years, soon there won't be place in Illy for some neutral guys like me. Your alliance profile doesn't say anything about land claims btw.

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: Issue
Received: 04 Jun 2018 00:20
Original Message:
I would like to know why you thought it needed, to kill a set army and harvestors of one of my players. You are a guest in a land claim of which we have. So it needs to be very good.

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