The following mass mail was sent to me by an anonymous source in ~NS~:
Hello Squires,
I know I haven't been around much the past few months but I have been around on and off behind the scenes. Those of you who have been here a while may remember that NS was revived to give a home to members of pTory who were in Keshalia and didn't want to move. I made an arrangement with tCol to allow us to stay here. Unfortunately that arrangement is no longer working out.
We are still working on the details but NS will soon withdraw from Keshalia. Here are your options:
- Join a TCol approved alliance or TCol itself if you are ready for war.
- Wait and see what alliance will replace NS as guardian of Keshalia and join that clan.
- Move out of Keshalia.
Take your time and think over your options, ask questions. Once you have decided on your path I will be happy to help you get there. For those that chose to move we will work on an exodus schedule that you're comfortable with.
Remember, this is just a game so make the choice that will ensure you have a good time in the game.
For those who will be departing us, it has been an honor to play with you and I wish you all the best.
Take care,
It should be noted that I have redacted a sentence from this due to personal information being shared that I felt was not my place to publish.
The IGM was sent on the 19th of September.
~NS~ has lost just over 25% of its members since the around the 11th when membership peaked at just over 40. It now stands at 30.
Notable leavers include ryder, who has abandoned both his main and Ice Man, and also Pink Camo who has returned to DSA.
It is not clear yet whether these players leaving is related to the events that caused ~NS~ to split from CDS.
I also have not been made aware of whether ~NS~ has any plans for where they will relocate to currently.
When I reached out to Grombrindal, leader of TCol, he said the following:
I cannot comment. I want to ensure this divorce takes place as smoothly as possible, and sharing my grievances with the press would not further that goal.
Myr has not responded to my request for a comment though Thorin Oakenshield has told me to 'Fuck off'
If and when I receive any further information on this, I will post an update here.
Author: Eowan
Lol Thorin
ReplyDeleteWell things are a little more complicated than that in my thoughts. That is extremely sugar coated as not to scare the little ones. I'm not a little one and I am scared. So be sure to stay tuned in the future. I am almost certain Eowan will sniff out another source.
ReplyDeleteNothing to be afraid of, I was out having surgery which is why Eowan redacted a sentence and why I haven't replied with a comment. Grom and I agreed to wait for me to be healthy before we worry about technicalities and city movements. I don't sugar coat, I'm just naturally sweet! :p ~Myr
ReplyDeleteYeah, wasn't sure if you wanted that out there... rl info isn't mine to spread around.
DeleteNot really sure why you thought you would get anything other than that from me... I've had you blocked in GC for months.