Saturday, 29 September 2018

Responses to ~NS~ Follow Up Article

I got in touch with Grombrindal, Pink Camo and Myr about the follow up article on ~NS~ leaving CDS.
Pink Camo has not yet given comment but Myr did respond in the comments of the article:
'NS was without my leadership for awhile, this lead to misunderstandings and issues. No need to drag it out. While I personally have no beef with Ubi I would not have invited him to NS had I been there knowing the history he had with many former ptory players and then this whole latest explosion wouldn't have happened. When I have had time to work things out with Grom I will comment on the future of NS but until then I have no further comments. ~ Myr'

Grombrindal also responded to my request for comment, saying the following:
I am not entirely sure what to comment on since it contains a flood of little facts interwoven with lies and..erm...alternative interpretation. I am particularly confounded by the line about Gijak being loyal to Yuki. Had I known that, I would have cracked down on it much, much earlier (big bully as I apparently am). Gijak was in no way singled out after the war, and received the same grace period IGM all pTory members did (he did indeed respond in a hotheaded fashion, but I have no intent of dragging this up to play the man). I approved NS as an acceptable alliance for pTory members to members to join after the war, but it was pitched to me by Myr´s alt (then a loyal member of Tcol) as an alliance loyal to, and working toward, Tcol´s and the CDSs goals. The argument that pursuaded me was her insistence that these members were disgruntled not with Tcol, but with pTory leadership. If they had pitched NS as a refugee camp for pTory loyalists, anyone with a minimal knowledge of Illy politics can grasp that I would never have gone along with their revival as part of the CDS. 

Grombrindal's alt, Niccolò Minionvelli, has been invited to ~NS~ by Myr to help with discussing the options for ~NS~ players.

Author: Eowan