Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted

FW: RE: FW: Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted

Sent By:Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Received By:Eowan Splintspur [Cala]
Date:21 Sep 2018 18:08

From: Pink Camo [PTC]
Subject: FW: RE: FW: Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted
Received: 11 Sep 2018 13:03
Original Message:
I'm sorry. That whole ptory thing was horrible for everyone. I'm sure there is a lot that happened that you are not aware of. Ubi is a good guy, he came back with his original name when he could have chosen anything else and we would have never known the difference. Let's put the whole ptory thing behind us and have fun, okay?

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted
Received: 11 Sep 2018 03:58
Original Message:
well that just makes me feel so much better

From: Pink Camo [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted
Received: 11 Sep 2018 03:21
Original Message:
Gromb and I were in direct contact with Ubi the entire time that fiasco was going on. He was only doing as we asked him to do. Please do not blame him.

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted
Received: 11 Sep 2018 01:09
Original Message:
oh he just threw me under the bus when yuki quit, wouldnt negotiate for me with grom, forbid anyone to help me defend attacks,then kicked me out of ptory, was only 3 town at the time, and one was only 200 pop, if it hadnt been for Myr stepping in and saving me when i ask her to thieve me so tcol didnt get all my stuff, i would have been noob ringed, thats why i was wondering , no big deal

From: Pink Camo [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted
Received: 11 Sep 2018 00:57
Original Message:

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted
Received: 10 Sep 2018 23:45
Original Message:
is this the same ubi from ptory

From: Pink Camo [~NS~]
Subject: RE: FW: Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted
Received: 10 Sep 2018 21:48
Original Message:
Welcome to Night Squires!!

From: Ubiquitous Feral. [~NS~]
Subject: FW: Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted
Received: 10 Sep 2018 21:47
Original Message:
Ubiquitous Feral. has accepted your alliance invitation.


  1. My Gods, That's almost like feeding someone a shit sandwhich, and not only expecting them to like it, but eat another. These people in Tcol want everyone to think Gijak is deranged, I don't personally no him, though I've heard he has been around for a while. I think people need to be taking a closer look. I remember the goings on through the Ptory/Tcol incident, after reading things here, Tcol instigated a hostile take over of Ptory, when it failed they blamed the whole thing on Ubi. Now it seems that history has repeated itself, but this time before it got ugly they was beat to the punch by Gijak.

  2. No, that is not correct.

    Yuki and I had agreed to find an alliance to help us with a pTory land claim in Chulbran. We had planned on beginning after the tournament. However, Grom and Malek beat us to it and actually offered the job to Yuki that was given to Myr! I was so freakin thrilled that I almost pissed myself. Yuki got scared tho. Why would it scare her? Ask me ingame and I may tell you. After this, Yuki spiraled downhill quickly. She was ready to abandon but I talked her into giving me sitter rights in case she wanted to come back. She did appoint me, and I immediately emptied her hubs and cities of all the gear and troop res that had been foraged and left over from the tournament. I counted every last item and sent them out to each pTory member who was in the tourney. Many refused or never answered, but there are many who remember receiving the gear from me.

    Also, in council there was never a concensus about leaving Kesh or fighting. Some wanted to pull the rest into a fight that they knew was a lost cause. The last thing Yuki told me was to end the war. She wanted pTory members to not be hurt or lose anything. So, I contacted Malek and Grom and asked what was wanted. (Because Yuki never told anyone the whole story.) I was told that pTory members needed to either move or join the CDS. I threw in Yuki's Kesh towns myself. Grom never asked for them. This was after Yuki had left the game and told me that she was not coming back.

    I was not thrown under a bus by Grom or Zen or Malek or anyone else. PTory tried to run me over with their collective short buses but I managed to keep the alliance until Tom agreed to TCol's terms.

    And Gijak, did I kick you? I don't remember the small unimportant things. If I did kick you it was because of your mouth. You were always arguing with me or someone about the dumbest things. I did want to kick you for a long time but Yuki told me no. Yuki needed the numbers up so pTory would shine on the top 20 page.

    You are not a leader. I am a machine.
    Love, Ubi

  3. Ubiquitous Feral3 October 2018 at 13:28

    I notice there are no first hand accounts that contradict me. Could it be because I've told the truth?
