Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Rikoo's Censorship on Innuendos

GM Rikoo has recently been clamping down hard on inappropriate content in GC.
On the 5th, he hit Agalloch with a two week chat ban for reasons which reportedly remain unknown.
However, his most recent act of censorship is much further reaching. In an IGM to several Illyriad players, he said the following:
13 Jul 2016 02:18
I am sending a few of you this message to make sure that you know that Eowan volunteered his age in chat as a minor. I know because I saw you all there when he said it.
This means that you all need to stop engaging in sexual or sexual-like chat with him, and he needs to stop engaging in the chatter back. I will not warn again, and if I get one more complaint I will ban all involved.
GM Rikoo'

It should be noted that minor in this case means 17, an age at which consent can be given in the UK where I live and where Illyriad Games is based. The server for Illyriad is run by a company based in Florida where the age of consent is considered to be 18 but can be as low as 14 with Romeo and Juliet laws.

It is not yet clear whether the ban is a chat ban or a full game ban though one would assume that a chat related offence of such minor nature would not be considered offensive enough to warrant a total ban.

To reassure anyone who feels that they may have in someway corrupted me, I am a 17 year old boy with unlimited internet access. It is almost impossible to corrupt me further.

I would also like to remind players of the block feature which can be used to hide the words of players who may be saying things you find offensive.

To be fair to Rikoo, this is not the first time he has been in touch for inappropriate chatting. Previously, he has warned me after posting an ASCII art representation of male genitalia with ejaculate coming from the tip in global chat.
I understand that he has good intentions with stuff like this but there must come a point where common sense takes over; if I can do something then why can't I talk about it?

It will be a long, hard time before I am able to fully speak my mind but I am excited for when that day comes.

Author: Eowan The Short


  1. Not sure why I got mentioned here I am pretty sure I got silenced for being drunk and unruly but it would have been nice to know the exact reason .... it does seem that silencing and so forth has been very uneven at times GC seems to be free for all since no moderation takes place for the most part so when people get punished for what seems a smaller offense than what goes on in a daily basis.

    1. because talking about my problems seems petty, talking about an overall clamp down is news.

  2. An interesting effect of this ban on sexual content whilst I am in GC is that I now feel MORE uncomfortable with that kind of stuff because I am worried about people I like getting banned. Thanks Rikoo, you have taken a problem which didn't exist and made it into such a big thing that I feel like I have to leave GC every time the chat gets even vaguely dirty. *applauds*

  3. LOL...
    "It will be a long, hard time before I am able to fully speak my mind but I am excited for when that day comes.
    ...nice parting shot.

  4. sorry for being melodramatic, but I'm done. I've just had the police at my door accusing me of all sorts because it was reported that I spoke to someone aged under 18 in game about sexual matters, therefore I am a peadophile. 16 is legal in my country and I am 49 and happily married. Shame on the idiots who accused me

  5. I think that needs to be in caps.

  6. Eowan stop crying about your problems

  7. Join OKCupid or Tinder if you want to find love or sex. Illy is the worst dating site ever.
