Sunday, 17 July 2016

Curmudgeon Abandons

Yesterday morning, Curmudgeon and his alt, Mac Soith were abandoned after allegations of grooming leading to a police visit to his house. He posted the following in the comments section of the Telegraph:'sorry for being melodramatic, but I'm done. I've just had the police at my door accusing me of all sorts because it was reported that I spoke to someone aged under 18 in game about sexual matters, therefore I am a peadophile. 16 is legal in my country and I am 49 and happily married. Shame on the idiots who accused me'

The chat in which he is alleged to have spoken to someone in a sexual manner is reportedly an external chat on a website such as slack chat though it was based around Illyriad.

GM Stormcrow appeared in global chat at 1:18 and said: 'Um. Nothing to do with us. Whilst we have had legal requests for account details in the past; nothing of that sort has occurred for at least 2 years...'
This seems to confirm that the chat was on an external site.

Curmudgeon was recently threatened with a ban from GM Rikoo for innuendoes towards myself. I did not find these in anyway inappropriate as they were clearly harmless jokes and I believe that this is probably similar to what happened in the external chat and someone just over reacted. However, I have not seen what was said and this is solely based off of my impression of Curmudgeon from talking to him.

He was an excellent player and was a lot of fun to talk to. If anyone who knew well would like to write him an obituary, I would be happy to publish it here.

Author: Eowan The Short


  1. He will be missed.He was a great guy

  2. He was a dick but he was ours :P

  3. In defense of Rikoo (that rather sticks in my throat), Illyriad is extremely unlikely to have had either the required info or motivation for my current issues. I am perhaps allowed (and it is borderline) to discuss who it definitely wasn't, but feel obliged to confirm/clarify that point. (and NO, 20 guesses is not OK)

    1. Eowan The Short20 July 2016 at 10:23

      current issues? is this more than one visit?

  4. Curmudgeon, come play Astro Empires with the one and only Candyman. ;) Illyriad never was much fun anyways.

  5. Rigor.Mortis who was not me but who is a member of my family and shared the same internet connection has now been suspended. There were only her 2 accounts using our internet connection to play Illy lately. Rigor was in a difficult position as she has multiple sclerosis and can't type, so relies on another. After 3 days of being accused of being Curmudgeon, most obviously by Rill, which she alternately ignored and denied, she has been suspended for either a false accusation of multi-accounting or for "account sharing" as has her alt and Rikoo is not responding to her emails. It should not be a surprise that Curm and Rigor share the same sense of humour and are frequently mistaken as Rigor is almost always in the same room as me and coaxing me to comment in Illy GC. She's the one with the English degree and the sharp wit. I trust Rikoo and Rill are really happy with themselves in being so judgemental (yes Rill, that is how it is spelt) and following the rules to the letter to such an extent that they have now stopped a severely disabled person from playing Illy and communicating with her friends. Rigor has asked me to point out that she cannot put this on Illy forums as she has also been blocked from posting there.

  6. More players have been banned since I wrote this, mostly for calling Rill a hypocritical 3 faced snitch of a bitch. Please do not be so direct with the truth when describing those who judge from their ivory pedestal but can't take it when they hear or read what the delusional majority think of them. Rill for vice president !

  7. My Mom (now retired) was an award winning teacher, my wife was one of the most sought after counselors before MS forced her to take things easy. I was only a guy that built a multi million pound business from zero. I realise I was an opinionated and controversial player in Illy, but I'd love to know how Rill the unemployed middle aged house sharer justifies her prejudices and expects to be allowed to damage the next generation of foster kids. No threats and I wish her well in her private life, but I promise to protect the children in every jurisdiction in the world from her.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Eowan The Short8 August 2016 at 14:26

      British hierarchical positioning? Last time I checked, Britain had a FEMALE monarch, a FEMALE PM and various other high level FEMALE politicians. There is nothing in the British hierarchy which has a particular slant towards any one gender, age or weight (I could only be bothered to prove the gender point). Get your head out of your arse.

    2. Hey Eowan, would you mind if I deleted that? I stand by my basic points but as usual I over think things and take it too far. The British thing was a little over the top... I have a chip on my shoulder from reading comments at British news sites like the Telly or Daily Mail. It's so energetically judgmental and I've just never seen anything like it in Canada or the states. I feel like a certain amount of sexism comes out when paired with other things, even when it isn't there most of the time. But it isn't really fair to throw it out there even if it's probably more sensible than blaming Rill for any of this.

    3. Yeah, delete it if you want.
      Daily mail readers are no more representative of Britain than Fox News' audience is of the US.
