Tuesday, 12 July 2016

A new author for the Telegraph

I would like to announce that Josh has become an author for the Illyriad Telegraph. He will mostly be aiding me with reporting on TUF's current conflicts.

He will not publish an article without me first reading it to check it is suitable for the Telegraph.

If you want to become an author for the Telegraph, IGM Eowan The Short. If you would prefer to be anonymous, that can be arranged but your alliance will be disclosed.

Author: Eowan The Short


  1. Not really relevant to this article, but a number of Illy players including myself have just been threatened with a game ban for discussing things of a sexual nature (allegedly) with Eowan. Eowan is 17 as I understand it and age of consent for actually doind stuff in UK is 16. Discussing it, I'm not sure about. Maybe I should sue my biology teacher for discussing the existence of penises. I have no recollection of discussing things of a sexual nature with Eowan, other than his large feet implying he is a big boy, potentially.

    1. Eowan The Short13 July 2016 at 03:22

      I have been sent the message as well and will do an article. This threat is bullshit- last time I checked, teenagers weren't known for their innocence so what does Rikoo hope to protect?

  2. I am pretty sure Eowan being a teenager knows more about the ins and outs of sex than our generation did at that same age so yeah its a bunch of bullshit.Hold both heads high Curm !!! :O
