
FW: RE: FW: Keshalia

Sent By:Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Received By:Eowan Splintspur [Cala]
Date:21 Sep 2018 17:08

Here is the proof that Grom is running the show and being the bully here and being the dictator here and not myself.
And with this one and the last one I have signed my death warrant in this game
From: Grombrindal [TCol]
Subject: FW: RE: FW: Keshalia
Received: 13 Sep 2018 17:18
Original Message:
I appreciate your response, I truly do. But Myr has already decided to pull NS back from Kesh.

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Keshalia
Received: 13 Sep 2018 16:02
Original Message:
Grom we hate ptory and all that connects to it. We hate drama, We hate bs. As far as Pink is concerned I made and implemented every single change she suggested. I did everything she while being called rude, will being told my friends now are the ones that threw me under the bus, I dont hold hard feelings toward you or Pink, Ubi yes I do, and that will never change. But as far as working with Tcol and getting along. I have no issue what so ever working toward our common goal. You may ask anyone here I was never rude to Pink while she was here though she was to me on a couple of ocassions, I did everything I could to accomandate her other than make her suppreme leader. Grom I may be a lot of things but one thing I am not is a liar. I will tell the truth reguardless no matter the consequences. I have copies of every igm sent and recieved since the york incident, if it is still there and hasnt been autodeleted if the game does that. The only problem the ones here that have a issue is with Ubi. thats it. It is felt he was a traitor to the alliance. It is felt he can not be trusted. Im not the only one. If you want him here then fine I will not like it but I cant stop it. I will tolerate it and will not be rude, but I feel him being here is not the best thing in the world. It doesnt really matter who was pulling the strings, percepttion is the key and he is perceived as a traitor.
So we are going to dissolve the relationship between our alliances over Ubi. That is kinda strange. It makes one think. Because Pink was not met with any resistance what so ever. She came saying she had all these plans and everyone was happy, but the plans never came. Yes she got some direct complaints from one player because he want to know the plans she was giving out because he had to carry out her orders.So I dont see that as his fault as he was only wanting info she promised. As for her ideas being fought show me the proof. I changed alliance rules because she said they was harsh, I change the roles because she thought they were disorganized, then I changed them again, because she thought they were off putting. Every single change she wanted she got.
 I'm being calm and nice right now, shows you I have changed the way I think and talk. We are a lot alike Grom. Truly. We think alike, and act alike when we are mad. We act and not think. Im working real hard on changing that. I dont want to fight with you or anyone right now. We just want to be at peace with out hate and discontent. Please lets let level heads prevail in this. We have a good thing going here it would be a shame to see it go down the tubes.

From: Grombrindal [TCol]
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Keshalia
Received: 13 Sep 2018 15:34
Original Message:

Very well, since he is your son we can certainly grant him some extra time. But the Ubi thing makes no sense to me. He saved pTory back during the first war, and did most of what he did on my advise. If him coming over causes issues, that means there are still strong pTory sentiments inside NS, and that is not acceptable. Especially since pTory is once more at war with Tcol.
I am also not happy with the way the cooperation with Pink turned out. She did her best to help NS get things back on track, and has met with nothing but resistance. We will be pulling out the DSA members from NS, and will be considering ending our confederation.

From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~]
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Keshalia
Received: 13 Sep 2018 14:45
Original Message:
Urika is my son, as the watchers of Kesh I have granted him pass, he is moving his cities and has already moved one. Lets not tturn this into something it does not need to be. Didn't you just correct me for not being level headed. Please lets not do this. He doesnt want trouble. There are several here not happy with the Ubi, thing reguardless of he did what back then. The fact that there are several here  from Ptory, bringing him here wasnt the best idea. As far as having you as allies Im fine with that no worries.I have worked very well with you since coming to NS, I feel we have gotten along great. Lets please keep it that way

From: Grombrindal [TCol]
Subject: RE: FW: Keshalia
Received: 13 Sep 2018 13:35
Original Message:

From: Grombrindal [TCol]
Subject: FW: Keshalia
Received: 13 Sep 2018 13:34
Original Message:
Hey Urika,
Your peaceful traders and craftsmen are on my landclaim. Please remove them or get them back into a CDS alligned alliance, lest the need arises to test how battle hardened they are.

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