FW: RE: about the spy | |
Sent By: | Gijak Kafak [~NS~] |
Received By: | Eowan Splintspur [Cala] |
Date: | 21 Sep 2018 16:54 |
I have the igm from Pink stating Ubi was under their control, Im not digging through hundreds of igms from 4 months ago trying to find me and Groms igms. The one thing is reguardless I dont lie. I didnt like going off on you either but onced again the puppet thing comes into view. I have always liked you and never wanted hard feelings between us. The worst thing is in all this the little guys that cant defend themselves or no better. What is fixing to happen is going to be very bad for them. Myr is fixing to retire, only checking in ocaisionally , leaving me to deal with this mess. If she leaves that is my only protection. They will finsh what they started and come for me hard. Then through bullyingmake the little ones comply. Land claims are going to kill this game. period. Grom is the biggest bully in the game. Urika left NS strated a lliance and started moving towns. Within 8 hrs of leaving Grom Igm'd him and said move now or die since you left ns. But no Grom isnt a bully. I will send you Groms igm to urika i think it will be easy to find. Later on today. So urika came back to NS and quit. but no there is noone being a bully. Keeping me annonomous or whatever isnt going to work as me and Myr, and Ryder know this. He quit so they will know and come for me hard which is going to happen anyway. From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~] Subject: FW: RE: about the spy Received: 21 Sep 2018 16:36 Original Message: Ok here is the deal, All this started when Briann left NS. He went off on a tangent about wanting to siege everyone in kesh that was not green on the map. This was on a Sun if memory serves. Anyway, he was sending me igm after igm with names on it. He had sent like 5 igms with list on them he wanted to attack. He had just captured a town with me clearing it and doing the siege for him. He felt this made him big time. Most of the towns he was sending me was above 20k pop. I ask him was he going to clear and raze by hisself?, I asked him if this player got pissed and attacked could he defend his self by his self. No was the answer. It tookme 4 hours to say that he would stick to my list and do it the way I had it designed to do. Finally I could get back to doing my things that needed doing. Then 10 minutes later in ac, he ask well what about this player. It wasnt on my list and had not been igm'd. I lost it I cussed him out. I was so ashamed of myself for losing it like that in ac. He went crying to Zen and Grom that I was a asshole, I was rude, and I tormented him everyday. ( Now it is commonly known you can adjust igm's to say what you want in forwarding them and this is what he did. I saw one from a friend in Tcol. I was supposedly chewing his ass on another incident and I called him a stupid mother fucker. , I would never call someone that so he obviously had erased what I wrote and wrtoe what he wanted me to say) After he left they (Tcol) set it up that a few large key players here leave. Twitch was the first with the lie he wanted to war. ( If Twitch wanted to war then why did he run from the war presented to him from SIN?? Twitch is a coward and has no spine. He proved it when he went back to his coward name. Valencia. Son now there is a established patter of things are unstable in NS, So Grom sent Pink over here to establish I was unstable and try to take over NS. She made suggestions, on changes. I made each one she asked for except to be placed high than me .(She wanted to be Higher than me to be able to kick me.) The first argument came when I asked her why BSH, NCrow, and Tcol was taking the few remaining good spots in Keshalia when we were supposed to be taking over the claim in Kesh. Oh she went off on me. The next thing was to bring Ubi into NS. Ubi is a coward and trouble maker. He screwed Yuki over in Ptory, got everyone except a loyal few turned against her. Grom with all his pompus attitude that he is fair and never rude, is bullshit. I was the most outspoken on what was done to Yuki. So I was chosen as the scapegoat. He sent me (Grom) a igm stating I had to move from Kesh or they was going to raze me. I went off and in rage typed most of the igm wrong. I tent to do that when Im not thinking clearly. I immediatly had incoming military attacks and diplo attacks to all 3 of my under3k pop 3 towns. My smallest town was only 6 or 7 hundred. (so much for Tcols word they do not attack small players. I am the type of person I don't bring my troubles to others. I started igm'ing friend to thieve me to keep Tcol's thieves from getting my stockpile. Myr was the first to respond. During this with all the attacks and diplos coming in Ubi sent a alliance wide igm stating anyone who sent help or tried to defend me would suffer the same fate I am recieving. Then he kicked me from Ptory. Myr took me in under force into NS, and he I am fixing to be Uder threat again by Tcol. LOL. There are other here in NS that Ubi screwed over and treated like shit. They knew this (Grom and Zen) So they brought him into NS with the rsponse That we were being childish by not accepting Ubi. When I press further that it was bs I got a igm from Pink that stated back them Ubi was following Grom and Zens orders and that we had no reason to hold a grudge to Ubi.So Tcol picked the player that supported Yuki the most and sentenced him death to make the rest become sheeple and bow to their demands and used Ubi to do it, he was their scapegoat as I was int the clearing of Kesh, I was given specific orders and when there was complaints Grom threw me under the bus and claimed he had no knowledge. of what NS was doing, which was and is a blatant lie. During this time Myr got into the argument and when Grom Myr And Zen got into it and it was apparent all they wanted NS for was to be a puppet aliance. Myr told them that we would not do that and that we needed the respect we deserve and was told it would not happen, so Grom made it official and Myr pulled us from the CDS. Pink left went back to DSA since she had accomplished what she came here for ,,, to tear us appart. There is too much lies and drama anymore. I didnt want to clear small players . I was truly more comfortable dealing with the larger players that could defend themselves. But as it was I was following orders. I wasagain like Ubi made the face of the wrong doing and threw under the bus when there was complaints Tcol denied knowledge. Im just to the point of quitting this game. I can never leave NS or Myr Grom will have some other puppet attack me and kill me, or do it himself. Sorry this was so long, but I felt you needed the truth on the history and what is going on. Ryder/Iceman quit because of the bs, Urika(my son) did the same, My daighter quit, other have and will also. Its really sucky and I feel responsible for it because it is Groms undenying hate for me that has started all this Im afraid. From: Pride [~NS~] Subject: RE: RE: about the spy Received: 21 Sep 2018 15:14 Original Message: you dont have to feel sorry gijak. its not your fault if eowan is a troll with his many alts. plus when we recruit new players with newly created and fresh accounts we are always vulnerable to that sort of crap. i have heard this 'spy' story before. maybe NS should be a little more strict on who to recruit or ask more from new players. i am not a leader so i got no clue on what would be the best course of action but once more you should not blame yourself From: Gijak Kafak [~NS~] Subject: RE: RE: about the spy Received: 21 Sep 2018 14:58 Original Message: At this point it truly doesnt matter. All the little players are going to be hurting here shortly as they arent able to move and they are either going to join ncrow or dsa. Neither is a good option. I am at a total lose as to what to do. I felt truly betryed when the snitching started up and I lost my cool. When I lost my cool I lost the alliance. I was no longer leading. I'm not happy with myself nor my actions. I have always tried to do the best I could for you guys. You all each and everyone are like family to me and I have failed each and everyone of you. From: Pride [~NS~] Subject: RE: about the spy Received: 21 Sep 2018 14:51 Original Message: maya inverse has reached population for a 2nd town and hasnt grown or actually made anything than building not very talkative either call me paranoid if you want but you already know my opinion in the matter i dont like to accuse anyone without proof but with that nickname, lack of activity, and the fact she is ALWAYS online really makes me wonder i do really hope you find the little f***** and make him pay. either that or harassing eowan and his friends. |
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