Thursday, 1 September 2016

Day 1 of the tournament

After the first day of fighting, vCrow have taken the lead in the Tinkers' tournament by a margin of 2 days 5 hours and 50 mins. VTX, who took the lead immediately after the tournament began, are now in second and Storm are in 3rd. vCrow won Kodabear's recent tourney so it is little surprise that they have taken the lead. Below is a screenshot of the tournament rankings taken shortly after midnight.

Already, over 800000 troops have died on tournament squares with a peak in the fighting shortly after 17:00 server time.

The market price of saddles, beer, leather armour, horses, plate armour, spears and bows have all risen sharply in Centrum since the tournament began though they all were coming out of a very deep, sudden bit of deflation so some of the increase can be attributed to that. The crash in prices was due to Tiro flooding the market with items with the aim of buying things at deflated prices.
Chainmail has actually decreased in value which could show that players are selling it to pay for other equipment, troops and sovereignty, creating a surplus and driving down the price.

Author: Eowan The Short

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