Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Tournament IX - Tinkers' Tournament

Today, at 18:01 server time, GM Stormcrow announced the start of a developer run tournament starting at 00:01 on the 1st of September. The tournament is a traditional king of the hill style one and is being used to test the tournament API key.

GM Stormcrow alluded to an update several times in GC over the past couple of days

This is the second server-wide tournament this year after Kodabear's Shine a Light on NF tournament though the last developer tournament was over two years ago, in April/May of 2014. The Tinkers' Tournament uses the same tournament squares as Kodabear's did.

The rewards for the tournament are clockwork units which come in 3 styles: Clockwork Ravager, Clockwork Knight and Clockwork Dervish. They are all extremely strong infantry units with attacks between 2000 and 3820. Winner will have the clockwork units placed in their capital at the end of the tournament.

In the 4 hours since the beginning of the tournament, VTX have taken the lead, amassing 14 hours and 42 minutes of time occupying one of the tournament squares already. 25 alliances have held a tournament square so far.

I plan on doing an article every day for the duration of the tournament though this may change after I begin college again. Hopefully, the other authors for the Telegraph will assist me with this. Please send combat reports which you feel are worthy of note to Eowan The Short. Alternatively, send me your own accounts of events in the tournament.

In the same update as the tournament and tournament API key, the developers have modified faction AI to increase aggression and prevent factions from attacking players with standings of -49 or larger.

For more information on the tournament:

For more information on the update:

For the current tournament standings:

Author: Eowan The Short

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