Sunday, 12 December 2021

Amid Rumours of Internal Confusion, NIGHT Leadership Disagree On Age Of Alliance

Controversy has emerged as to the age of NIGHT. Today, second in command Daisy stated in GC that NIGHT are a 'new alliance'. This runs contrary to leader Succulent's previous claim that NIGHT are in fact the same alliance that landclaimed back in February. NIGHT's alliance page would indicate that the alliance was formed in September 2020. 

This comes as rumours have emerged that there are tensions within the NIGHT alliance. An anonymous source speaking to the telegraph stated that  the conflict was between Morghulis, Succulent and Daisy. The conflicts were said to arise from a lack of direction within NIGHT. My source had the following to say:

'no one calls the shots

no one plans ops, no one can plan an op

daisy is too busy sending all her cav at the coanhara tile to impress axis

no organization'

It could be that the blame for this lack of organisation and shot calling is the result of Succulent being largely absent. In an AC log from NIGHT, she had the following to say 'So idk what this shit is about I'm never here'.  

However, Daisy could also be muddying the waters. In the same AC log, she said 'we need to come up with a game plan and who does what, please'  to which Succulent responded 'We laid out in slack who's in charge of what.'. Daisy refused to comment on the tensions when asked repeatedly in GC.

Whether the organisational problems are the result of Succulent's inactivity, Daisy's failure to read slack, or something else is up for debate, however it is worrying to see in such an old/new alliance.

Author: Eowan

1 comment:

  1. Eowan, you really have a hard on for SB don’t you? If you used half of that energy you have for trying to mess with SB you would be a good player. But you don’t. You sit behind your screen and attack. One day you will be purged from the game.
