First things first, I decided to look around and see what Kimmyeo's claims were. I claimed I was just a curious player who wanted to know the full story. She claimed that IKnights went against the coalition and paid 1 billion gold to Hobblez as surrender payment without any given agreement, then demanded that RoFC pay him back and ganged up with Princess Botchface and attacked RoFC. She also claimed that Hobblez was not going to attack RoFC at all since he was paid and was leaving them alone. When I asked for proof of this, she was unable to give me anything but her word. It was the same with the rest of Global Chat.
I proceeded to ask IKnights about the events. What I learned was shocking. Here is my Private Chat with him.
[23:31]<S.S.C.L.> Hello
[23:31]<IKnights> Greetings!
[23:32]<S.S.C.L.> Pardon me for being curious, but what happened with you and Kimmyeo?
It's a load of drama that I do not want to have, but to be basic, I'm
owed a billion gold and she's trying to cheat me out of it.
[23:33]<S.S.C.L.> Well, I would like to know the entire story, from the beginning, if you don't mind.
[23:33]<S.S.C.L.> I just want to know what truly happened and not just bits and pieces.
[23:34]<IKnights> Alright, but it's a very long story.
[23:34]<S.S.C.L.> I have time.
[23:34]<IKnights> Apparently, a while ago, 4 members of RoFC attacked Maelstrom, the alt of Hobblez, when it was new.
[23:35]<S.S.C.L.> Who were these members?
[23:35]<IKnights> AdamPrime, Neptune, Wulfhere Athol, and XueLang.
[23:36]<S.S.C.L.> Did they know it was Hobblez's alt?
[23:37]<IKnights> I do not know. I think they did not.
[23:37]<S.S.C.L.> Why did they attack it?
[23:39]<IKnights> Apparently RoFC was in a small war with loki from what I've gathered
[23:39]<S.S.C.L.> Why wasn't it dealt with during the war?
[23:39]<IKnights> Apparently Hobblez was too busy and held it off.
[23:41]<IKnights> But as soon as he was availible, he started attacking them.
[23:41]<S.S.C.L.> Them as in the members who attacked? Or as in RoFC?
[23:42]<IKnights> Just those 4, mainly Neptune. Apparently Hobblez tested him and asked him to see if he would be honest.
[23:42]<IKnights> Neptune claims he forgot though.
[23:42]<IKnights> Hobblez also said that whoever helps and of those 4 will be attacked as well.
[23:43]<S.S.C.L.> Did anyone help them?
[23:44]<IKnights> Military wise, not that I know of.
[23:45]<S.S.C.L.> Do you have any proof of this?
[23:46]<IKnights> Yes, I have an IGM of a conversation between Maelstrom and Neptune
[23:48]<IKnights> I don't know if Neptune lied or was honest, either way, Hobblez begun the attacks.
[23:49]<IKnights> Hobblez did offer Neptune a surrender payment.
[23:52]<S.S.C.L.> So when you got these, what did you do next?
[23:52]<IKnights> By that point, I agreed with Hobblez 100%.
[23:53]<IKnights> I mean come on, he got attacked, wanted revenge. I would have done the same thing.
[23:53]<IKnights> So I told Hobblez that.
[23:54]<S.S.C.L.> What happened next?
[23:54]<IKnights> Eowan The Short called an urgent trial.
[23:54]<S.S.C.L.> Don't trials take time?
[23:55]<IKnights> We had already been discussing it for a few days, apparently Neptune was offered surrender payment way before then.
[23:55]<IKnights> It was like only 350m gold.
[23:55]<IKnights> By then, the price had climbed to 1 billion gold.
[23:56]<IKnights> We needed decisions now.
[23:58]<S.S.C.L.> What I gathered from GC is that there was no trial at all.
[23:58]<IKnights> Kimmyeo lied.
[23:58]<IKnights> There was.
[23:58]<S.S.C.L.> It was in Discord?
[23:59]<IKnights> Yes, we have a Discord server for a "Coalition Chat".
[00:00]<S.S.C.L.> What happened there?
[00:01]<IKnights> We held a trial.
[00:02]<IKnights> AdamPrime and XueLang didn't show up.
[00:02]<IKnights> Neptune came, but didn't speak.
[00:02]<IKnights> Wulfhere spoke though.
[00:03]<S.S.C.L.> Who else was there?
[00:04]<IKnights> Eowan, Kimmyeo, PH!L, Nicktheh, Phoenixfire, and I.
We didn't have time to wait for every single member. This was a matter
of the whole coalition, not just RoFC, so we needed to act fast.
[00:06]<S.S.C.L.> Understandable.
[00:07]<IKnights> Basically, we debated what to do. During the trial I offered to pay the 1 billion gold and have RoFC pay me back over time.
[00:07]<S.S.C.L.> How much time?
[00:07]<IKnights> 100m total a month.
[00:07]<S.S.C.L.> What did everyone else say?
[00:08]<IKnights> Well, all of the offending players were not given a choice in the vote. Otherwise that would be corrupt.
[00:08]<S.S.C.L.> Agreed.
[00:09]<IKnights> PH!L was cautious, and Kimmyeo said it probably wouldn't be wise. But after some debate, it was agreed by all.
[00:09]<S.S.C.L.> Do you have proof of this?
[00:10]<IKnights> I'll send you screenshots if you like.
[00:10]<S.S.C.L.> I would like to see them.
[00:11]<IKnights> Sent
[00:11]<S.S.C.L.> Well, it's possible you could have doctored it.
[00:12]<IKnights> I did not edit anything. I actually had my Illy-Lawyers look through the chat. And I have witnesses.
[00:12]<S.S.C.L.> You have Illy-Lawyers?
[00:13]<IKnights> Yes. As silly as it sounds, I take everything seriously.
[00:14]<S.S.C.L.> lol
[00:15]<S.S.C.L.> Well, may I see the chat?
[00:16]<IKnights> I'll mail you a link.
Turns out, IKnights was telling the truth. There were even a few Illy-Lawyers there.
Turns out, IKnights was telling the truth. There were even a few Illy-Lawyers there.
[00:17]<S.S.C.L.> Whoa, there's a lot here.
[00:18]<IKnights> Yeah
[00:21]<S.S.C.L.> I don't see Eowan there.
Well, the next day, Eowan sold Silversteel in GC and that led to a
whole lot of crazy. I came back from a business trip to find all of that
going on.
[00:23]<IKnights> I had him kicked from EVERYTHING
[00:23]<IKnights> When I banned him from the server, it also deleted everything he said.
[00:24]<IKnights> But to be basic, he agreed with me.
[00:24]<S.S.C.L.> Do you have proof of that?
[00:25]<IKnights> Actually, yes.
[00:25]<S.S.C.L.> Really?
[00:25]<IKnights> At the bottom of that, Eowan speaks in the comments.
[00:26]<IKnights> Yes, he called me ITraitor, but even he agrees with me.
[00:26]<S.S.C.L.> Noticed that lol
[00:27]<S.S.C.L.> Ok, then that seems ok.
[00:29]<S.S.C.L.> Well, went through it, everything seems to check out as agreed you would pay and be paid back.
[00:30]<IKnights> I told Hobblez and he agreed. But on the terms they pay back, or he will resume attacking them until they pay me back.
[00:30]<S.S.C.L.> Well that was nice of him.
[00:31]<IKnights> Yeah, I actually told him I would gladly join him.
[00:33]<S.S.C.L.> So, proof of that?
[00:33]<IKnights> Sending that right now.
[00:34]<IKnights> I even told Hobblez of the trial
[00:35]<S.S.C.L.> You really kept everything.
[00:36]<IKnights> I NEVER delete anything, ever. I always forward my system IGMs to myself.
[00:36]<IKnights> After that, I told the members what was agreed.
[00:36]<IKnights> Neptune left RoFC
[00:36]<S.S.C.L.> Sounds like that's when you had to attack him?
[00:38]<IKnights> Actually no, I told him he shouldn't leave RoFC and that he should come back and pay over time.
[00:38]<IKnights> It was the next day that the "SS thing" happened.
[00:39]<S.S.C.L.> Yikes.
[00:39]<IKnights> Yeah, there actually was one or two good defenses. But there was a lot of devastating attacks on us as well.
[00:40]<IKnights> But that's another story.
[00:41]<S.S.C.L.> So, what happened next?
[00:43]<IKnights> Well, XueLang IGMed me about the surrender pay
[00:44]<S.S.C.L.> Let me guess, you have that as well?
[00:45]<S.S.C.L.> Did he ever respond to that?
[00:46]<IKnights> Hasn't said a word since.
[00:46]<IKnights> After that, I informed Neptune again that he should go back to RoFC.
[00:48]<S.S.C.L.> And?
[00:48]<IKnights> He refused and told me to ask for my gold back.
[00:50]<S.S.C.L.> Hmm
[00:50]<IKnights> Well, I told Hobblez
Princess Botchface also went to help me. Hobblez did say though that if
she helped, then he would back out unless someone helped him.
[00:52]<IKnights> PB mailed Neptune apparently about it.
[00:54]<S.S.C.L.> And?
[00:55]<IKnights> Neptune mailed me. We had a talk
[00:55]<S.S.C.L.> You have that saved?
[00:55]<S.S.C.L.> I see you do, you already sent it XD
[00:58]<S.S.C.L.> Wow, you really did want your gold back.
[00:58]<IKnights> Who wouldn't want their 1 billion gold back?

[01:00]<S.S.C.L.> True
[01:00]<IKnights> brb, phone call.
[01:00]<S.S.C.L.> Ok.
[01:06]<IKnights> I'm back.
[01:06]<S.S.C.L.> Welcome back.
[01:09]<S.S.C.L.> Well, what happened next?
Well, the next morning, I made my alt, and I wanted Kimmyeo to invite
him to RoFC so that I could help them grow, and one day be able to pay
me back.
[01:11]<IKnights> But then Kimmyeo said no.
[01:12]<S.S.C.L.> No?
[01:12]<IKnights> I saved the PC, sent it to you.
Here is the Private Chat IKnights states that he and Kimmyeo had.
Here is the Private Chat IKnights states that he and Kimmyeo had.
[16:33]<IKnights> Hey, are you able to invite players into RoFC?
[16:34]<Kimmyeo> yes
[16:35]<IKnights> Ok, I'll be making IDragon in a few minutes, I'll need an invite sent to him. Thanks.
[16:35]<Kimmyeo> Why would I do that?
[16:36]<IKnights> Because I want an alt in RoFC, is something wrong with that?
[16:36]<Kimmyeo> You and MoV are directly threatening RoFC and you think I will invite you in?
[16:36]<IKnights> What?
[16:36]<IKnights> I'm not threatening RoFC
[16:37]<Kimmyeo> Um, yes you are. PR is attacking a former member right now, and apparently will come after any other ROFC members she chooses until you get money. That is a threat
[16:38]<IKnights> What?
[16:38]<Kimmyeo> Are you seriously going to play dumb right now?
[16:38]<IKnights> I am not attacking any RoFC member
[16:38]<Kimmyeo> I have seen the emails
[16:38]<IKnights> Kimmyeo. I'm being serious. What's going on?
[16:39]<IKnights> I'm not playing dumb. I'm being serious
[16:39]<Kimmyeo> No, you have another person doing it.
[16:39]<Kimmyeo> Princess Botchface
[16:39]<IKnights> I don't have anyone doing it
[16:39]<IKnights> I didn't tell her to attack RoFC
[16:39]<Kimmyeo> She's doing it in you name.
[16:39]<Kimmyeo> your*
[16:39]<IKnights> One second, I need to contact her
[16:39]<Kimmyeo> so, you can stop it, or not
[16:40]<IKnights> Why would I attack RoFC? I paid ONE BILLION gold to protect you!
[16:40]<Kimmyeo> That will never recover from us
[16:41]<Kimmyeo> we didn't ask you to, we didn't agree for you to do it
[16:41]<IKnights> Kimmyeo, you did. I have screenshots to prove it
[16:41]<Kimmyeo> show me
[16:41]<Kimmyeo> I NEVER AGREED
[16:41]<Kimmyeo> NEVER
[16:42]<Kimmyeo> And not edited, doctored shots you like to make
[16:42]<IKnights> Picture, just took it
[16:43]<Kimmyeo> nope,
[16:43]<IKnights> Kimmyeo, what's going on? Why is everyone being like this all of a sudden?
[16:43]<IKnights> I'm sending IDragon to RoFC to HELP you all grow.
[16:43]<Kimmyeo> That was taken out of context, and was talking about a trial, which never happened.
[16:44]<IKnights> It did, people didn't show up
[16:44]<IKnights> I have more
[16:44]<Kimmyeo> Proposition 35 failed. Which means no trial.
[16:44]<Kimmyeo> no one got any message. I didn't
[16:45]<Kimmyeo> No other senators did either. Besides we are in the middle of elections. Very bad timing. You moved too fast.
[16:46]<IKnights> I'm not going to RoFC for gold, I'm not going there to be "The Boss", I'm going there to HELP
[16:46]<IKnights> You said it yourself, RoFC is not doing good
[16:47]<Kimmyeo> I didn't say we weren't doing good, we are full of new players
[16:48]<IKnights> I have a screenshot of that too
[16:48]<Kimmyeo> I advised you were moving too fast. Neptune was saying all along he would pay, He would rather be newb ringed.
[16:48]<Kimmyeo> Your screen shots are not helping you.
[16:48]<IKnights> Kimmyeo, why are you doing this to me?
[16:48]<IKnights> What happened?
[16:48]<Kimmyeo> Why are you?
[16:49]<IKnights> I am helping you
[16:49]<Kimmyeo> I don't trust anything you guys are up to, and now you are threateneing
[16:49]<IKnights> I'm not threatening you!
[16:49]<Kimmyeo> How exactly is this helping anything?
[16:49]<IKnights> I'm telling PB right now that she better not hurt RoFC
[16:49]<Kimmyeo> She better leave Neptune alone
[16:49]<Kimmyeo> NOW
[16:50]<IKnights> Kimmy. I'm talking to her.
[16:54]<Kimmyeo> well
[16:54]<IKnights> Kimmyeo, I'm being serious. Is this all about Neptune?
[16:54]<IKnights> I told Neptune that I wanted him to stay in RoFC, and it could be paid over time.
[16:54]<IKnights> I even said I might never even get paid back.
[16:55]<Kimmyeo> HE's not paying it, he left RoFC
[16:55]<Kimmyeo> You didn't say that
[16:55]<Kimmyeo> You said you'll be gracious and give him one more chance....
[16:55]<IKnights> Yes I did, I'll send a screenshot
[16:57]<IKnights> What HE did, was leave the alliance, and basically said that he refused to pay or be in RoFC, I'll forward you the mails he sent ME
[16:58]<IKnights> 1) Who collected the votes for this trial 2) Could you send me a copy of exactly what proposition 35 was?
[16:59]<IKnights> Screen Shot 2017-08-13 at 11.52.25 AM
[17:00]<IKnights> One sec, need to upload that first XD
[17:00]<IKnights> There
[17:01]<Kimmyeo> The trial was issued and you were supposed to show up, YOU NEVER CAME. Therefore the entire leadership, YOUR leadership, decided what you had to do. You were going to be newbie ringed, this was a chance for you to stay in RoFC and slowly pay back over time. Ligitimate?! You think it's "legitimate" that I have to pay out of my own pocket for members that do foolish acts like you?! I've been trying my best to protect TWO ALLIANCES from war left and right basically ALL ON MY OWN. You can complain and whine all you like, it means NOTHING. As far as for legitimate? War. All is fair in love and war. It is your debt. And I will see to it that it is collected. I will be gracious. I will give you ONE last chance. You can come back into RoFC, then over time, you can pay your share of the gold. For you that would be 50m a month. Only take you 10 months to pay back. There are going to be future contracts and wars that will get you FAR more than that. It's either that, or I will be forced to come after you. I am not losing 1 billion gold because you want to try to say you're innocent and that you have every right to not pay. You don't have any right except to either stay and pay, or not stay and get much more taken from you. Which will it be? The easy way, or the costly way? Either way I get paid, so it doesn't matter what you pick to me. ~IKnights
[17:03]<Kimmyeo> Still no agreement that we will pay back.Where are all the screen shots of me don't do it?
[17:04]<Kimmyeo> These emails I have are all I need to show you are threatening us.
[17:04]<Kimmyeo> ALL ON YOUR OWN, really? You really believe that?
[17:06]<IKnights> I meant from being attacked! I've been working day and night trying to keep players from attacking you. Some of RoFC seems to be begging to be attacked!
[17:06]<Kimmyeo> Do you think I haven't spoken with anyone?
[17:07]<IKnights> No! You're a good player! Of course you talked with people I presumed!
[17:08]<Kimmyeo> I spoke with He-Man and others that have He-mans ear...He didn't stop because of what you said or say you did, which we all know is another scam...
[17:09]<Kimmyeo> I am tired of the lies, and scams and fake shiit
[17:09]<IKnights> Kimmyeo. I've been trying, PH!L has been trying, so have a few other players
[17:09]<Kimmyeo> Trying what?
[17:09]<IKnights> Trying to keep the peace
[17:10]<Kimmyeo> How do I know you're even IKnight? Ha!
[17:10]<IKnights> Ok, how shall I prove it?
[17:10]<Kimmyeo> you don't have to do anything but keep your mouth shut, and we will have peace
[17:10]<IKnights> Excuse me?
[17:10]<Kimmyeo> IT's done
[17:11]<Kimmyeo> You don't have to do anything, sorry that came out bad
[17:11]<Kimmyeo> I am sorry
[17:12]<IKnights> How do you think I feel? I pay 1 billion gold, been working my best to help, I have all of GC trying to attack me, and then this?
[17:13]<Kimmyeo> When will see you shouldn't have paid out of the goodness of your heart and then expect it paid back? There was no agreement
[17:13]<IKnights> Kimmy. There was.
[17:13]<IKnights> You agreed
[17:14]<Kimmyeo> no, there wasn't.
[17:14]<Kimmyeo> I cannot agree, we would have had to vote on it. You were moving too fast. I was saying not to pay it
[17:14]<Kimmyeo> do not pay it
[17:14]<Kimmyeo> stop
[17:15]<Kimmyeo> you insisted
[17:15]<IKnights> Yes, you did. But you also said that if they won't pay, the alliance will. But I ALSO said that I might not ever see it again.
[17:15]<Kimmyeo> that is all out of context
[17:15]<IKnights> You're taking what I said out of context
[17:15]<Kimmyeo> well, lets just drop it then
[17:18]<Kimmyeo> Deal?
[17:18]<IKnights> Am I still allowed to come to RoFC?
[17:18]<Kimmyeo> Is it a deal?
[17:20]<Kimmyeo> If there is no deal, how can you come to join us?
[17:22]<Kimmyeo> I'll take that as a no
[17:23]<IKnights> Kimmy, here's the problem. Hobblez is mad at Neptune.
[17:23]<Kimmyeo> Hobblez is done with Neptune
[17:23]<Kimmyeo> Neptune is done with Hobblez
[17:24]<IKnights> That's not true
[17:24]<Kimmyeo> it is true
[17:24]<Kimmyeo> since yesterday
[17:24]<IKnights> No, I have IGM from Hobblez
[17:24]<Kimmyeo> let me see it
[17:24]<IKnights> k
[17:32]<Kimmyeo> did you find it?
[17:32]<IKnights> Sorry, had a bunch of PCs to answer, trying to get it
[17:32]<IKnights> I have like 7 PCs up
[17:33]<Kimmyeo> I have yours.
[17:40]<IKnights> Got it
[17:40]<IKnights> Forwarded it
[17:42]<Kimmyeo> Date: 13 Aug 2017 04:31 hobblez [12:27 AM] Him and 2 others in RoFC sieged a city on my alt when it was 1 month old (it had 3 cities total) as part of their beef with Rijk/Ozrik. I was prepping for the upcoming war at the time so Goldy told me to let it go. Once the war was over I came back after them an put a bailout amount on each of them totaling 1 billion gold. IKnights stepped in and bailed them out on the condition that he would get the gold back from them or I'd roll my sieges at them again. Neptune is still butt hurt about the whole situation....I don't think IKnights will ever get that gold back....and PB now wants to kill Neptune over it....I told PB that if they join as part of this "conflict" then I'm out, don't want Neptune have a reason to bitch and moan even more about getting ganged up on.....
[17:43]<IKnights> Exactly.
[17:43]<Kimmyeo> The above is after what you sent...
[17:43]<IKnights> Look, I am not "forgetting" 1 billion gold.
[17:43]<IKnights> That was far too much work
[17:44]<IKnights> If you want to make this an alliance matter, you can. You can even get all of RoFC to pay me back. 1 billion gold is just too much to lose.
[17:44]<Kimmyeo> okay then, we could have just saved a whole lot of time if you just admitted that to begin with.
[17:44]<IKnights> I do NOT want to come off as a threat, but I NEED my gold back
[17:45]<IKnights> I'm serious, I needed that gold for other things, and I'm going to get in trouble for it.
[17:45]<Kimmyeo> They way you were bragging this morning about 12 billion, I don't see it that wa...
[17:45]<IKnights> ITEMS
[17:45]<Kimmyeo> SELL THEM
[17:45]<IKnights> And that wasn't me
[17:45]<IKnights> That was for the whole alliance
[17:45]<Kimmyeo> That wasn't you in GC thi morning?
[17:45]<Kimmyeo> please
[17:46]<IKnights> Not the in GC thing
[17:46]<IKnights> I mean that the whole payment wasn't for me alone
[17:46]<IKnights> It for for ALL the MoV members that helped.
[17:48]<IKnights> Neptune was ungrateful.
[17:48]<Kimmyeo> Neptune said no!
[17:48]<Kimmyeo> That's not ungrateful, that is him not wanting you to pay for him
[17:49]<Kimmyeo> no contract
[17:49]<IKnights> Leaving RoFC, ungrateful
[17:50]<Kimmyeo> He was right, we couldn't protect him
[17:50]<Kimmyeo> or support him enough
[17:50]<IKnights> Why are you defending him and not me? So everything you said about how much I was giving up by paying 1 billion, about how YOU even said the alliance must pay me back? Means nothing?
[17:51]<Kimmyeo> That is all out of context. If it had been handled better. It was not handled at all. You did it without any votes, concensus, etc.
[17:51]<IKnights> I had votes
[17:51]<Kimmyeo> you and Eoawn
[17:51]<Kimmyeo> right?
[17:51]<IKnights> More
[17:51]<Kimmyeo> not from RoFC
[17:53]<IKnights> PH!L, YOU!
[17:53]<IKnights> WulfHere
[17:53]<Kimmyeo> Ph!l is not in RoFC. It was RoFC matter, and I didn't vote, I wasn't there
[17:53]<IKnights> Yes you were
[17:53]<Kimmyeo> Wulfhere didn't vote
[17:53]<Kimmyeo> at this supposed trial?
[17:53]<IKnights> Yes he did, he said no
[17:53]<Kimmyeo> no
[17:54]<Kimmyeo> ARGH, there was not trial.
[17:54]<Kimmyeo> no*
[17:54]<IKnights> Your vote was "I don't like it and I don't think you should pay for us." and "If IKnights pays, even the ALLIANCE will pay"
[17:54]<Kimmyeo> prop 35 failed. meaning no charges
[17:54]<Kimmyeo> no trial
[17:54]<Kimmyeo> done
[17:54]<IKnights> Forward prop 35 to me then
[17:54]<IKnights> I'd love to see it
[17:55]<Kimmyeo> why, you obviously didn't need it
[17:55]<IKnights> You obviously don't have it
[17:55]<Kimmyeo> I did cut andpast it on Discord that day , talking with Eowan
[17:55]<Kimmyeo> you have it
[17:55]<IKnights> Look, I'm not trying to be a jerk, but 1 billion gold is 1 billion gold
[17:55]<Kimmyeo> I told y ou not to give it away
[17:56]<IKnights> Yes, but you also said that if the members involved don't pay, then the allianc emust
[17:56]<Kimmyeo> All I can say at this point is do what you gotta do
[17:57]<Kimmyeo> NONE OF IT HAPPENED
[17:57]<IKnights> That conflict resolution chat WAS THE TRIAL!
[17:57]<Kimmyeo> no
[17:57]<IKnights> YES!
[17:58]<IKnights> You know what? I don't think you understand. I paid 1 billion gold
[17:58]<IKnights> And this is how I'm being treated?
[17:58]<IKnights> Being told to shut up?
[17:58]<IKnights> Being told that IDragon is not welcome in RoFC?
[17:58]<IKnights> Being told that I have to forget about it?
[17:59]<IKnights> Pardon me for being upset
I know that many players may say he edited that, but there's way too much evidence. And there just seemed to be more and more.[16:34]<Kimmyeo> yes
[16:35]<IKnights> Ok, I'll be making IDragon in a few minutes, I'll need an invite sent to him. Thanks.
[16:35]<Kimmyeo> Why would I do that?
[16:36]<IKnights> Because I want an alt in RoFC, is something wrong with that?
[16:36]<Kimmyeo> You and MoV are directly threatening RoFC and you think I will invite you in?
[16:36]<IKnights> What?
[16:36]<IKnights> I'm not threatening RoFC
[16:37]<Kimmyeo> Um, yes you are. PR is attacking a former member right now, and apparently will come after any other ROFC members she chooses until you get money. That is a threat
[16:38]<IKnights> What?
[16:38]<Kimmyeo> Are you seriously going to play dumb right now?
[16:38]<IKnights> I am not attacking any RoFC member
[16:38]<Kimmyeo> I have seen the emails
[16:38]<IKnights> Kimmyeo. I'm being serious. What's going on?
[16:39]<IKnights> I'm not playing dumb. I'm being serious
[16:39]<Kimmyeo> No, you have another person doing it.
[16:39]<Kimmyeo> Princess Botchface
[16:39]<IKnights> I don't have anyone doing it
[16:39]<IKnights> I didn't tell her to attack RoFC
[16:39]<Kimmyeo> She's doing it in you name.
[16:39]<Kimmyeo> your*
[16:39]<IKnights> One second, I need to contact her
[16:39]<Kimmyeo> so, you can stop it, or not
[16:40]<IKnights> Why would I attack RoFC? I paid ONE BILLION gold to protect you!
[16:40]<Kimmyeo> That will never recover from us
[16:41]<Kimmyeo> we didn't ask you to, we didn't agree for you to do it
[16:41]<IKnights> Kimmyeo, you did. I have screenshots to prove it
[16:41]<Kimmyeo> show me
[16:41]<Kimmyeo> I NEVER AGREED
[16:41]<Kimmyeo> NEVER
[16:42]<Kimmyeo> And not edited, doctored shots you like to make
[16:42]<IKnights> Picture, just took it
[16:43]<Kimmyeo> nope,
[16:43]<IKnights> Kimmyeo, what's going on? Why is everyone being like this all of a sudden?
[16:43]<IKnights> I'm sending IDragon to RoFC to HELP you all grow.
[16:43]<Kimmyeo> That was taken out of context, and was talking about a trial, which never happened.
[16:44]<IKnights> It did, people didn't show up
[16:44]<IKnights> I have more
[16:44]<Kimmyeo> Proposition 35 failed. Which means no trial.
[16:44]<Kimmyeo> no one got any message. I didn't
[16:45]<Kimmyeo> No other senators did either. Besides we are in the middle of elections. Very bad timing. You moved too fast.
[16:46]<IKnights> I'm not going to RoFC for gold, I'm not going there to be "The Boss", I'm going there to HELP
[16:46]<IKnights> You said it yourself, RoFC is not doing good
[16:47]<Kimmyeo> I didn't say we weren't doing good, we are full of new players
[16:48]<IKnights> I have a screenshot of that too
[16:48]<Kimmyeo> I advised you were moving too fast. Neptune was saying all along he would pay, He would rather be newb ringed.
[16:48]<Kimmyeo> Your screen shots are not helping you.
[16:48]<IKnights> Kimmyeo, why are you doing this to me?
[16:48]<IKnights> What happened?
[16:48]<Kimmyeo> Why are you?
[16:49]<IKnights> I am helping you
[16:49]<Kimmyeo> I don't trust anything you guys are up to, and now you are threateneing
[16:49]<IKnights> I'm not threatening you!
[16:49]<Kimmyeo> How exactly is this helping anything?
[16:49]<IKnights> I'm telling PB right now that she better not hurt RoFC
[16:49]<Kimmyeo> She better leave Neptune alone
[16:49]<Kimmyeo> NOW
[16:50]<IKnights> Kimmy. I'm talking to her.
[16:54]<Kimmyeo> well
[16:54]<IKnights> Kimmyeo, I'm being serious. Is this all about Neptune?
[16:54]<IKnights> I told Neptune that I wanted him to stay in RoFC, and it could be paid over time.
[16:54]<IKnights> I even said I might never even get paid back.
[16:55]<Kimmyeo> HE's not paying it, he left RoFC
[16:55]<Kimmyeo> You didn't say that
[16:55]<Kimmyeo> You said you'll be gracious and give him one more chance....
[16:55]<IKnights> Yes I did, I'll send a screenshot
[16:57]<IKnights> What HE did, was leave the alliance, and basically said that he refused to pay or be in RoFC, I'll forward you the mails he sent ME
[16:58]<IKnights> 1) Who collected the votes for this trial 2) Could you send me a copy of exactly what proposition 35 was?
[16:59]<IKnights> Screen Shot 2017-08-13 at 11.52.25 AM
[17:00]<IKnights> One sec, need to upload that first XD
[17:00]<IKnights> There
[17:01]<Kimmyeo> The trial was issued and you were supposed to show up, YOU NEVER CAME. Therefore the entire leadership, YOUR leadership, decided what you had to do. You were going to be newbie ringed, this was a chance for you to stay in RoFC and slowly pay back over time. Ligitimate?! You think it's "legitimate" that I have to pay out of my own pocket for members that do foolish acts like you?! I've been trying my best to protect TWO ALLIANCES from war left and right basically ALL ON MY OWN. You can complain and whine all you like, it means NOTHING. As far as for legitimate? War. All is fair in love and war. It is your debt. And I will see to it that it is collected. I will be gracious. I will give you ONE last chance. You can come back into RoFC, then over time, you can pay your share of the gold. For you that would be 50m a month. Only take you 10 months to pay back. There are going to be future contracts and wars that will get you FAR more than that. It's either that, or I will be forced to come after you. I am not losing 1 billion gold because you want to try to say you're innocent and that you have every right to not pay. You don't have any right except to either stay and pay, or not stay and get much more taken from you. Which will it be? The easy way, or the costly way? Either way I get paid, so it doesn't matter what you pick to me. ~IKnights
[17:03]<Kimmyeo> Still no agreement that we will pay back.Where are all the screen shots of me don't do it?
[17:04]<Kimmyeo> These emails I have are all I need to show you are threatening us.
[17:04]<Kimmyeo> ALL ON YOUR OWN, really? You really believe that?
[17:06]<IKnights> I meant from being attacked! I've been working day and night trying to keep players from attacking you. Some of RoFC seems to be begging to be attacked!
[17:06]<Kimmyeo> Do you think I haven't spoken with anyone?
[17:07]<IKnights> No! You're a good player! Of course you talked with people I presumed!
[17:08]<Kimmyeo> I spoke with He-Man and others that have He-mans ear...He didn't stop because of what you said or say you did, which we all know is another scam...
[17:09]<Kimmyeo> I am tired of the lies, and scams and fake shiit
[17:09]<IKnights> Kimmyeo. I've been trying, PH!L has been trying, so have a few other players
[17:09]<Kimmyeo> Trying what?
[17:09]<IKnights> Trying to keep the peace
[17:10]<Kimmyeo> How do I know you're even IKnight? Ha!
[17:10]<IKnights> Ok, how shall I prove it?
[17:10]<Kimmyeo> you don't have to do anything but keep your mouth shut, and we will have peace
[17:10]<IKnights> Excuse me?
[17:10]<Kimmyeo> IT's done
[17:11]<Kimmyeo> You don't have to do anything, sorry that came out bad
[17:11]<Kimmyeo> I am sorry
[17:12]<IKnights> How do you think I feel? I pay 1 billion gold, been working my best to help, I have all of GC trying to attack me, and then this?
[17:13]<Kimmyeo> When will see you shouldn't have paid out of the goodness of your heart and then expect it paid back? There was no agreement
[17:13]<IKnights> Kimmy. There was.
[17:13]<IKnights> You agreed
[17:14]<Kimmyeo> no, there wasn't.
[17:14]<Kimmyeo> I cannot agree, we would have had to vote on it. You were moving too fast. I was saying not to pay it
[17:14]<Kimmyeo> do not pay it
[17:14]<Kimmyeo> stop
[17:15]<Kimmyeo> you insisted
[17:15]<IKnights> Yes, you did. But you also said that if they won't pay, the alliance will. But I ALSO said that I might not ever see it again.
[17:15]<Kimmyeo> that is all out of context
[17:15]<IKnights> You're taking what I said out of context
[17:15]<Kimmyeo> well, lets just drop it then
[17:18]<Kimmyeo> Deal?
[17:18]<IKnights> Am I still allowed to come to RoFC?
[17:18]<Kimmyeo> Is it a deal?
[17:20]<Kimmyeo> If there is no deal, how can you come to join us?
[17:22]<Kimmyeo> I'll take that as a no
[17:23]<IKnights> Kimmy, here's the problem. Hobblez is mad at Neptune.
[17:23]<Kimmyeo> Hobblez is done with Neptune
[17:23]<Kimmyeo> Neptune is done with Hobblez
[17:24]<IKnights> That's not true
[17:24]<Kimmyeo> it is true
[17:24]<Kimmyeo> since yesterday
[17:24]<IKnights> No, I have IGM from Hobblez
[17:24]<Kimmyeo> let me see it
[17:24]<IKnights> k
[17:32]<Kimmyeo> did you find it?
[17:32]<IKnights> Sorry, had a bunch of PCs to answer, trying to get it
[17:32]<IKnights> I have like 7 PCs up
[17:33]<Kimmyeo> I have yours.
[17:40]<IKnights> Got it
[17:40]<IKnights> Forwarded it
[17:42]<Kimmyeo> Date: 13 Aug 2017 04:31 hobblez [12:27 AM] Him and 2 others in RoFC sieged a city on my alt when it was 1 month old (it had 3 cities total) as part of their beef with Rijk/Ozrik. I was prepping for the upcoming war at the time so Goldy told me to let it go. Once the war was over I came back after them an put a bailout amount on each of them totaling 1 billion gold. IKnights stepped in and bailed them out on the condition that he would get the gold back from them or I'd roll my sieges at them again. Neptune is still butt hurt about the whole situation....I don't think IKnights will ever get that gold back....and PB now wants to kill Neptune over it....I told PB that if they join as part of this "conflict" then I'm out, don't want Neptune have a reason to bitch and moan even more about getting ganged up on.....
[17:43]<IKnights> Exactly.
[17:43]<Kimmyeo> The above is after what you sent...
[17:43]<IKnights> Look, I am not "forgetting" 1 billion gold.
[17:43]<IKnights> That was far too much work
[17:44]<IKnights> If you want to make this an alliance matter, you can. You can even get all of RoFC to pay me back. 1 billion gold is just too much to lose.
[17:44]<Kimmyeo> okay then, we could have just saved a whole lot of time if you just admitted that to begin with.
[17:44]<IKnights> I do NOT want to come off as a threat, but I NEED my gold back
[17:45]<IKnights> I'm serious, I needed that gold for other things, and I'm going to get in trouble for it.
[17:45]<Kimmyeo> They way you were bragging this morning about 12 billion, I don't see it that wa...
[17:45]<IKnights> ITEMS
[17:45]<Kimmyeo> SELL THEM
[17:45]<IKnights> And that wasn't me
[17:45]<IKnights> That was for the whole alliance
[17:45]<Kimmyeo> That wasn't you in GC thi morning?
[17:45]<Kimmyeo> please
[17:46]<IKnights> Not the in GC thing
[17:46]<IKnights> I mean that the whole payment wasn't for me alone
[17:46]<IKnights> It for for ALL the MoV members that helped.
[17:48]<IKnights> Neptune was ungrateful.
[17:48]<Kimmyeo> Neptune said no!
[17:48]<Kimmyeo> That's not ungrateful, that is him not wanting you to pay for him
[17:49]<Kimmyeo> no contract
[17:49]<IKnights> Leaving RoFC, ungrateful
[17:50]<Kimmyeo> He was right, we couldn't protect him
[17:50]<Kimmyeo> or support him enough
[17:50]<IKnights> Why are you defending him and not me? So everything you said about how much I was giving up by paying 1 billion, about how YOU even said the alliance must pay me back? Means nothing?
[17:51]<Kimmyeo> That is all out of context. If it had been handled better. It was not handled at all. You did it without any votes, concensus, etc.
[17:51]<IKnights> I had votes
[17:51]<Kimmyeo> you and Eoawn
[17:51]<Kimmyeo> right?
[17:51]<IKnights> More
[17:51]<Kimmyeo> not from RoFC
[17:53]<IKnights> PH!L, YOU!
[17:53]<IKnights> WulfHere
[17:53]<Kimmyeo> Ph!l is not in RoFC. It was RoFC matter, and I didn't vote, I wasn't there
[17:53]<IKnights> Yes you were
[17:53]<Kimmyeo> Wulfhere didn't vote
[17:53]<Kimmyeo> at this supposed trial?
[17:53]<IKnights> Yes he did, he said no
[17:53]<Kimmyeo> no
[17:54]<Kimmyeo> ARGH, there was not trial.
[17:54]<Kimmyeo> no*
[17:54]<IKnights> Your vote was "I don't like it and I don't think you should pay for us." and "If IKnights pays, even the ALLIANCE will pay"
[17:54]<Kimmyeo> prop 35 failed. meaning no charges
[17:54]<Kimmyeo> no trial
[17:54]<Kimmyeo> done
[17:54]<IKnights> Forward prop 35 to me then
[17:54]<IKnights> I'd love to see it
[17:55]<Kimmyeo> why, you obviously didn't need it
[17:55]<IKnights> You obviously don't have it
[17:55]<Kimmyeo> I did cut andpast it on Discord that day , talking with Eowan
[17:55]<Kimmyeo> you have it
[17:55]<IKnights> Look, I'm not trying to be a jerk, but 1 billion gold is 1 billion gold
[17:55]<Kimmyeo> I told y ou not to give it away
[17:56]<IKnights> Yes, but you also said that if the members involved don't pay, then the allianc emust
[17:56]<Kimmyeo> All I can say at this point is do what you gotta do
[17:57]<Kimmyeo> NONE OF IT HAPPENED
[17:57]<IKnights> That conflict resolution chat WAS THE TRIAL!
[17:57]<Kimmyeo> no
[17:57]<IKnights> YES!
[17:58]<IKnights> You know what? I don't think you understand. I paid 1 billion gold
[17:58]<IKnights> And this is how I'm being treated?
[17:58]<IKnights> Being told to shut up?
[17:58]<IKnights> Being told that IDragon is not welcome in RoFC?
[17:58]<IKnights> Being told that I have to forget about it?
[17:59]<IKnights> Pardon me for being upset
[01:15]<S.S.C.L.> Wow. She flat out lied.
[01:17]<IKnights> Yep
[01:19]<IKnights> Next thing I knew, Kimmyeo was doing everything she could to make sure I wouldn't get paid. Irony is, apparently even Hobblez needed that gold to pay off debts.
[01:19]<IKnights> She even talked with Hobblez on it.
[01:20]<S.S.C.L.> Can I see it?
[01:21]<S.S.C.L.> Wow
[01:22]<IKnights> Yep
[01:23]<S.S.C.L.> Well, I assume there's much more?
[01:24]<IKnights> A little, yes.
[01:25]<S.S.C.L.> Ok.
[01:26]<IKnights> I decided to send a mail to ALL of RoFC, one by one, took me a bit of time, but worth it.
[01:26]<IKnights> Only one I didn't send to was Kimmyeo, no point in telling her.
[01:27]<S.S.C.L.> You went ahead and forwarded it to me.
[01:28]<IKnights> After that, I think Kimmyeo was kicked, but she now claims she left, either way, she's back in now.
She was furious. I noted the Illyriad Times got some of it, but they
left a good bit out and made my answers go to different questions.
[01:31]<S.S.C.L.> Well, at least they made it where it was quite obvious in the end with the screenshot.
[01:31]<IKnights> Yeah, so I don't mind.
[01:32]<IKnights> But she did offer 1,200 prestige, and for some reason, Stukahh seems to be taking her side in this.
He told me he was going to raze 07 Mul lies here, and if I sent any
attacks against it, all of SIN would burn MoV to the ground.
[01:35]<S.S.C.L.> Wow. That sounds messed up.
[01:35]<IKnights> It is, but it's just a game. I won't fight back, I won't fight Kimmyeo, but no matter what, I'm going after my gold.
[01:35]<IKnights> I will not be cheated.
[01:36]<IKnights> I actually got a mail from the founder of RoFC
[01:36]<IKnights> Saying clearly I have the right to go after them
[01:36]<S.S.C.L.> May I see that too?
[01:39]<S.S.C.L.> Well, you do have the given right now.
[01:39]<IKnights> I'll be going after Neptune first.
[01:40]<S.S.C.L.> Well, is there anything else?
[01:41]<IKnights> Well, aside from Kimmyeo being a troll about it in GC, not really.
[01:41]<IKnights> I've tried proving it, but it seems like it won't work.
[01:43]<S.S.C.L.> Well, I'm glad to know the full story. I'm sure your name will be cleared soon.
Thanks, part of me wants to fight fire with fire and offer to pay money
for prestige too, but to be honest? That's rediculous and just sad. She
has no actual military force, I could beat her on my own.
[01:45]<IKnights> Maybe I should offer a duel, just me and her 

[01:45]<S.S.C.L.> Well, your call. Just need her to accept.
[01:46]<IKnights> Don't think she would. That's why she put her alt in loki.
[01:47]<IKnights> She actually HATED the SINdicate until this.
[01:47]<IKnights> She's only there to kiss up to Stukahh for coming after me. He is a great war player and all, but she truly ONLY likes him now because of it. She told me many times that she thought he was stuck up on himself.
[01:47]<S.S.C.L.> Do you know who her alt is?
I think it's Yazzash. Sources tell me her alt was in eCrow, that's the
only account there that was in eCrow and matches up with the timeframe.
[01:49]<IKnights> I could be wrong
[01:51]<S.S.C.L.> Well, it's been great talking with you. I'm sure things will change very soon. Think I could have a permanent link to the Discord? I'd like to show it to some friends and see what they think.
[01:51]<IKnights> I'll keep hoping. Here you go, I'll let whoever uses that link have access to see the channel if they just ask.
[01:51]<IKnights> A pleasure to meet you and talk to you as well.
Well, I expected to hear either more of a little bit of both story, but as it turns out, IKnights was telling the truth. Kimmyeo really did lie. And she should not be believed whatsoever. All the proof shows this. I suggest using the link to see the trial for yourself, but again, that is only a tiny piece of the puzzle. I am proud to have figured it all out and not just parts of it.
Until the next unraveling, this gothic girl has some Metallica to listen to.
Salem's_Secret Coven Leader.
Well, I expected to hear either more of a little bit of both story, but as it turns out, IKnights was telling the truth. Kimmyeo really did lie. And she should not be believed whatsoever. All the proof shows this. I suggest using the link to see the trial for yourself, but again, that is only a tiny piece of the puzzle. I am proud to have figured it all out and not just parts of it.
Until the next unraveling, this gothic girl has some Metallica to listen to.
Salem's_Secret Coven Leader.
Nuke Kimmy!
ReplyDelete#Nuke Kimmy!
Delete#Nuke Kimmy!
Delete#Nuke Kimmy!
Delete#Nuke Kimmy!
Delete#Nuke Kimmy!
Delete#Nuke Kimmy!
DeleteGo for it! It's too bad some spy reporter gets all this, and there wasn't time to give to any members of the RoFC government? Beleive what you want. At the end of the day IKnight has a seige heading toward him this very minute by a friend of mine, that cannot be broken. He tried to buy the alliance and become the leader. I didn't read the BS above, but if it is complete, it will show that they were talking about the RoFC having to come up with a new title for him...Emperor. I didn't lie. If you all can't understand that MoV was taking this matter out of government proceedures, and then acting without the approval of the RoFC, I can't say anything that make you understand that this is all out of the context of that happening first, which it did not. You can't just call a discord a chat a trial, and say no one showed up. Believe what you want. I know the truth.
ReplyDeleteA friend? cant even do ur own dirty work. Lol
DeleteSorry Kimmyeo, but that's the complete truth. I have been investigating for days. I truly did not expect to find all this. The proof is there. I was given the IGMs, access to the Discord server, and have seen the chat logs. IKnights has proven to be truthful and nothing but truthful in this matter. In my opinion? May eternal shame befall upon you. I am a real Private Investigator in real life. And my brother is a Lawyer. In a real court of law? You would have lost. IKnights didn't cheat RoFC in any way. He in fact helped them greatly. My honest opinion would be for you to apologize and hope IKnights will forgive you. Then help him get his gold back and hope that will fix things between you two.
DeleteNow that I'm done with the arrogance of humanity, I'm going to listen to Give me a Reason by Three Days Grace. Great song.
Ya know, I hope you get razed Kim. That is just messed up what you did to Knight.
DeleteIt would be far too easy to nuke you Kimmyeo, you have like no troops. I have an alt in RoFC, I know of all this. I'm surprised that IKnights said he wouldn't attack you even after what you did to him. He's a far better player than you can ever dream to be. I wish I was as nice as him. Oh well, I'm not. Sending diplos to one of your towns right now.
Deletebtw, everyone knows this "friend" of yours is Stukahh, and even I know that you didn't like him this much until this happened. Now it's like you're marrying the ground he walks on.
The only BS involved in this whole thing was you. The evidence shows that IKnights was right. Perhaps you should read it all and shut up before you start making yourself look like more of an idiot.
DeleteIKnights should be paid his gold back. What kind of jerk are you? You practically STOLE his gold. I once thought you were a good player Kimmyeo. You have greatly disappointed me. I can't believe the rest of loki allowed your alt Yazzash in there.
DeleteYou know what the funny thing is? Your "friend" was Stukahh, who didn't even get 1 attack on IKnights! Only 1 successful saboteur hit! Believe what you want Kimmyeo, everyone knows the truth, even you, and the truth is not what you keep saying.
DeleteTruthfully, it's bogus Kimmyeo was able to do this to IKnights. I first thought this was all GC drama. The Illyriad Times made me think perhaps IKnights was telling the truth. This confirmed it. I hope loki kicks her and everyone attacks her. I'll be sending some thieves and saboteurs at her. It's obvious she has no defenses since she stooped to such a lame level as to offer 1,200 prestige instead of attacking him herself.
ReplyDeleteThis media, has 1 paragraph dedicated to kimmy's perspective, and about 10 pages for iknight's arguement. Definately not biased at all ;)
Honestly, im just watching this shitshow in amusement, but if iknights starts to newb ring people like he said he'd do to neptune over 500 mil gold, ill be rolling out the kobold hordes
I think it would probably be quite difficult to do much more than a paragraph for kimmy's perspective given that she has yet to supply any evidence for her side of the story.
DeleteI tried to give her as much as I could, but she did not supply any hard given evidence other than saying IKnights doctored the screenshots, and all of her claims turned out to be lies. But when I went through the Discord, his screenshots matched them. She does not have any evidence to supply because she is lying. IKnights was able to supply all of this evidence because he was telling the truth.
DeleteIf you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to Flyleaf.
I would also like to add that I have been trying to comment on the Illyriad Times, but for some reason my comments aren't coming through?
ReplyDeleteIt seemed like Hobblez might not have been on board, so I had an idea and asked Arion.
Proof of that I did not truly do it for a political ground. I also know for a fact Yazzash is Kimmyeo's alt. I remembered it was on my friend's list, and was in eCrow. The only one who fit that was her. Also
Let's see, why would that be? :P
Kimmyeo has become chancellor of RoFC, I wonder if that has anything to do with her cheating IKnights out of 1 billion...
ReplyDeleteMakes total sense. The liar did all this just to get herself to be boss. And she had the nerve to say IKnights was doing this to be boss? I guess all of Illyriad knows now.
ReplyDeleteMan Kim....I know this is late but what you did was f***ed up as all hell. I really do hope you got razed for this. Glad this got blown wide open even if I am late to the party. Go IKnights!! Rooting for you! Kimmyeo.....just go burn you liar.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late reply. Thank you for the support. If any of you anonymous players would like to contact me in Illyriad, please do. :)
DeleteIKnights got his f**king gold after it went through the senate. No one lied except for the twisting done by IK to make himself look nobel. What a laugh. Kimmyeo and RoFC played their game honestly. IK and Eeowan played their game like the ass holes they have always bin.
ReplyDeleteWHOA! I did not get my gold. I got a THREAT to either take half of the gold back, or to taste their steel.
DeleteAnd by the way, the correct word is "noble".
Deleteoh man, I just found this after many months and love seeing all the worthless "anonymous" comments. At least have the balls to call me out face to face. IKnights got his gold from the RoFC after the senate voted for it. To call us all liars and cheaters is really funny. We never asked for his "help" and it's funny how his friends are the ones that were sieging the rofc member at the time he "HAD" to step in and allegedly pay them. Where's the proof he ever paid them?I haven't seen it, nor has any one else. And Momiji/Dakota, you are worthless as a writer, unless it is skewed towards the side you are friends with, like this article. Good job.
ReplyDeleteUmm... kimmy... momiji/ dakota had nothing to do with this one.
DeleteKimmyeo, you lied. You only gave me back 500m gold. I paid 1b. I have screenshots and proof that help was asked for. I even STILL have the Discord server.
DeleteWhy was he/she the one that "interviewed" me then for the article? Now you're going to try to twist this too... ugh It just never ends with you guys.
ReplyDeleteProbably because SSCL wanted to remain anonymous which isn't exactly rare for authors.
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