Following the article on terraforms, I noticed a player selling 'dead' towns for 45 mil piece, I honestly thought to myself 'this can't be a good price'. So I decided to ask several alliance leaders or representatives of alliance leadership what they charge for their 'dead' towns.
Surprisingly I found a split in the market that was far larger than the terraform price split- a general split of 15 milion, right down the middle. The split does not appear to be the result of research or city size differences. I shall list the prices told to me, as stated by the people I interviewed, but their names will of course be blanked out
[15:22] A town with all research done would be 100 mil
[1525] Oh...depends on the pop i'd say 40-60 mil
[15:42] Ah. Well if its one of ours and nobody in the confed is claiming it then we usually just let the first one who asks for it have it
[22:27] If you be my friend usually no charge
[22:27] 20mil to 5 mil
[12:36] we do not charge unless it's necessary
[12:44] not selling any but if its one we don't need willing to talk or give
[13:00] we usually just boot inactive players
[13:53] to be honest we've never chg'd for towns, unless it's for a terra and that is up to the individual who is dealing with the terra
As you can see, there is a large variation in the pricing of dead towns.
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