Friday, 24 February 2017

Pellinell Razed

On the 20th, at 8:30 sever time, Pellinell's town of 12. was razed by Goldy1. When asked about the siege, Goldy1 gave the following comment:
'Yea, wanted to shut Pellis big mouth up, that's why we went after him. I can't tell you who or what reins were involved and no, STORM didn't even attempt to attack, even tho they had a dozen cities within a 100 square radius'

The lack of resistance from Storm and Pellinell's flat-lined growth charts seem to indicate that he has either gone inactive or is a sat account.

Once again, Storm refused to comment. If this continues then I will stop asking them as it is a waste of my time.

Author: Eowan The Short

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

When did it become OK to attack new players?

When I joined Illyriad, and for over a year after that, new players were protected from from attacks, even from small players. Whilst many would argue that it does not make sense to protect new players from other new players, it is almost never a good thing for a large player to attack a small player as they learn nothing and likely end up leaving the game.

However, in the past few weeks, a couple of incidents have come to my attention where a new player gets attacked by a large player.
The first of these was the catalyst for the Storm/WRATH war. After an incident occurred with one of Loki's Jarls of Trouble, a Storm player decided to attack small players in Loki. Small players who did nothing except join Loki.
The second and latest incident is the one which prompted me to write this article. A player called Laird Richard- a two town player with no alliance- was threatened in GC by SoLazy- a player from The End with 29 cities.
A chat log of the threat can be found here

This is not just a threat to attack or siege one of Laird Richard's cites; SoLazy has declared that his intention is to completely noob ring Richard. The total annihilation of a new player for no other reason than they are near a spot SoLazy wants.

One of the best things Illyriad has is the community- that is the thing that has kept me and many others playing. It would be a real shame if the community were to lose the values which made it so friendly and welcoming.

Author: Eowan The Short

Saturday, 11 February 2017

WRATH vs Storm

WRATH is a newly created alliances formed mostly of players from SIN and Loki. They were created in response to alleged attacks by Storm players on new players. I have IGMed people on both Storm and WRATH but have had no response from either side. The following are the questions I sent to them. If any player would like to supply information to the Telegraph, could they please send an IGM either to Dakota or Eowan The Short. Your identity can remain anonymous on request.

1) My understanding is that this incident started when Astragoth sieged a Storm player called Dugbar who she believed to be inactive due to flatlined growth and repeated diploing/attacking. Someone in Storm (possibly piling) then diploed/blighted players in Loki including a new player. Tensions then increased until WRATH was created and it declared war on Storm. Is this correct and if it is could you fill me in with what I do not know such as the names of the Loki players targeted and the Storm players involved?

2)Is WRATH just a way of Loki declaring war without breaking the exact terms of the 'Loki will never declare war' on Loki's profile?

3)How long do you expect this to last?

4)Are there any other sieges, other than the one on dugbar?

5) Is there anything else you would like to add?

Author: Eowan The Short 

Friday, 10 February 2017

Abandoned city pricing

Following the article on terraforms, I noticed a player selling 'dead' towns for 45 mil piece, I honestly thought to myself 'this can't be a good price'. So I decided to ask several alliance leaders or representatives of alliance leadership what they charge for their 'dead' towns.

Surprisingly I found a split in the market that was far larger than the terraform price split- a general split of 15 milion, right down the middle. The split does not appear to be the result of research or city size differences. I shall list the prices told to me, as stated by the people I interviewed, but their names will of course be blanked out

[15:22] A town with all research done would be 100 mil

[1525] Oh...depends on the pop i'd say 40-60 mil

[15:42] Ah. Well if its one of ours and nobody in the confed is claiming it then we usually just let the first one who asks for it have it

[22:27] If you be my friend usually no charge

[22:27] 20mil to 5 mil

[12:36] we do not charge unless it's necessary

[12:44] not selling any but if its one we don't need willing to talk or give

[13:00] we usually just boot inactive players

[13:53] to be honest we've never chg'd for towns, unless it's for a terra and that is up to the individual who is dealing with the terra

As you can see, there is a large variation in the pricing of dead towns.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Terraform Pricing

EDIT: This article was refreshed in December 2021. To see more recent data, go here:

After seeing someone attempting to sell a 'prospect' terraform for 30 million, stating 35 million was average, I decided to look about to see if it was anywhere close to the truth. I spent the morning searching for terraformers, and I believe I have come up with a decent representation of them. Now please note I do not assume to know all terraformers and their prices, and if anyone has something different than here, I would be more than happy to hear it.

I decided to cut this up into three distinct category's, 'custom' 'prospect' and 'alliance'. Custom terraforms are those that take the request of the buyer into consideration before selling. Prospect terraforms are the ones that dont consider a buyer, simply making an account, and tenaril the original town a week later. Finally we have alliance terraforms, these are purely 'in-house' matters, and wont be accessable to outsiders. otherwise they follow the rules of custom terras.

Please note that this is the information I got off sellers for their base prices, if you try asking for something 'rushed' it will likely go higher...

Unsurprisingly, the price for a custom terraform averaged at 30.9 million, with 35 million being both the highest and most frequent (60%), with 20 mil being the lowest.

The 'prospect' terraforms fared much better, at 18.5 million average, 20 million being the highest and most frequent (80%), with 10 being the lowest.

Finally the 'alliance' terraforms, at a 4.4 million average it is by far the cheapest, the most frequent number here was 0 (66%), with 20 million as the high.

If anyone would like me to place the numbers down at the bottom here, I would be happy to do so.