On the 1st of October, Starry announced that T? was going to merge into it's sister alliance H? on the forums. He posted the following:
Announcing the Merger of Toothless? into Harmless? effective October 1, 2016
It is with mixed emotions the leaders of Harmless and Toothless announce the merger of Toothless into Harmless effective today. Kodabear and all Chancellors before him have successfully provided new players to Illyriad, with a safe and productive alliance in which to learn the game. Toothless was the very first training alliance in Illyriad. Due to the decrease in new players and Koda's growing real life demands, Kodabear requested the merger. Harmless, which is no longer a military focused alliance, has embraced the challenge and will provide the same services for new players within the Harmless alliance. Harmless plans to integrate the existing Toothless new player program into our alliance. We will be accepting new players.
In May of 2010 the idea was presented to the Harmless Directors that we should do something to protect new players, the idea of Toothless became a reality on May 8, 2010. As Toothless' founder, I thank the Directors of Harmless and Harmless members who had the vision and defended the right for new players to grow and learn the game in peace. I also wish to thank Lord Belargyle of Dlords for his courage and vision, he was one of the first outside of Harmless to support Toothless, on the forums and with his valiant troops. Many other alliances have supported the right for Toothless to exist in peace over the history of this alliance, thank you so much for your support. I am very proud of Toothless and the tireless work of all its current and past Chancellors. Toothless Chancellors and Staff have provided an alliance in which new players can learn the game, grow and then pursue their own interests.
List of Toothless Chancellors:
Aziza Habibte
KodaBear the Great
The current and past staff are too numerous to list, but my heartfelt gratitude does out to all those that have contributed to the success of Toothless. I can't begin to estimate the number of players in this game that started out in Toothless, graduates of Toothless are spread throughout many alliances in this game. It's been a long and rewarding road to watch Toothless evolve into the great alliance they are today. Harmless hopes to provide the same services to new players. New players will have the option of continuing on in Harmless once they meet our requirements or move to another alliance that better suits their game play. The focus of military action (conflicts and wars) will not be offered in Harmless as we are no longer interested in that aspect of the game and pursue peace by all means. Harmless will offer basic military training, as well as crafting, city expansion and other aspects of the game as has always been provided in T?.
The name of Toothless will be retained with one alternate account but will be closed to any members. I'm sure I speak for many when I state the thought of Toothless disappearing from the list of alliances in this game, is just too much to bear at this point.
This is a new direction for Harmless, our members have always been protective and supportive of Toothless and this merger is a natural fit for both alliances.
Personally, I want to thank all of the players and alliances in Illy who supported the idea of a safe haven for new players and embraced the philosophy that new players should be allowed to join and play in the game in peace. It was a great campaign, encouraged and supported by many throughout the early days of this game. Thank you for supporting the idea and merits of training alliances.
To Kodabear and existing Staff of Toothless....you guys are the best. Thank you for taking Toothless well beyond our initial dream.

We ask for patience while we begin this transition. Thanks everyone in Illy!
This is the third major alliance to begin to merge/dissolve recently. TUF have announced that they are going to begin to dissolve soon after Agalloch and ThorOdin got banned and AianNick abandoned. HUGcr is also in the process of dismantling itself citing a lack of 'leaders or willing leaders to keep it up'.
I have said it elsewhere and will repeat it here. T? came from H? and now goes back to H?. If there is a future need for T? it can be spun off again. T? leaves a wonderful legacy and while I am sad to see them close I am happy it was done now, in a controlled fashion, and not allowed to whither away. This is a dignified exit.
ReplyDeleteThe same can be said for HugCrow and TUF. The leaders are winding things up in an organized fashion. While difficult to watch it is the best way to go out. They don't need it but they have my thanks and my congratulations.