Subject: The Nightingales (NIGHT) v. Dragon Aerie (Aerie)
I would like to say I am sorry to Lady Kynecha and Cazbern of Dragon Aerie and to all their alliance members.
After I was part of enforcing The Nightengales’ land claim to all Coanhara desert tiles my alliance has betrayed me and our implied word to Lady Kynecha.
Lady Kynecha was asked to quickly move three towns from the desert or they would be razed. She moved two of the three to her own existing cluster in Westmarch where she had been for a year and she let me raze the remaining Coanhara town because it did not have exodus researched.
After she moved the two towns to Westmarch a NIGHT player, Axis, began exoing his towns from Coanhara to near her in Westmarch. Axis’ alt is Aurelian and his towns are also in the same area.
Lady K had never done anything wrong except be where NIGHT did not want her. When told to move she did. Now she is going to be attacked again because NIGHT players want her spots.
NIGHT leadership has basically said to me “It’s nothing to do with us, we are a free for all alliance. Axis can do what he wants. But if anyone defends Lady K by attacking Axis then we will go to war. Unless it is YARR that defends her. We don’t want any part of YARR right now.”
"NIGHT is already attacking her with blights and diplos; trying to bully her out.
This is not right. I am sorry I was a part of this alliance that has no morals. Does not support new players and does not keep their promises.
Watch what you say in your own AC. Daisy/Kimmyo has sats, in other alliances. Petrus Fons in Aerie.
Clarabelle/Succulent will not help or lead. Fiona/Bradik is using diplomats to clean Lady K out. They are happy to drive a player from the game while spitting on any concept of honoring an agreement."
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