Saturday, 14 January 2017

RE/HRE conflict

In light of the recent activity in GC and apparent hostility between the two, I interviewed both Roman Empire's leader Patience King, and Holy Roman Empire's leader Princess Botchface. the following is their interview

[17:35]<Dakota> may i ask why you declared war on both slr and re?
[17:37]<Princess Botchface> I started an alliance to amuse myself called Dark Carnival [ICP], I declared on Slayer because its a band name.
[17:39]<Princess Botchface> I changed it Holy Roman Empire [HRE] a few hours later to troll PK, I was planning on leaving the following morning and accepting an invitation from Loki
[17:41]<Princess Botchface> When I got up and checked on the incoming I saw two new ones moving quite slowly with one arrow on the map and 6 days travel time. I decided then to update the alliance page and start recruiting
[17:41]<Dakota> so there are no true hostilitys between hre and slayers?
[17:42]<Princess Botchface> No
[17:42]<Princess Botchface> I forgot about that until now
[17:44]<Dakota> what are your current intentiond towards RE?
[17:45]<Princess Botchface> I intend to continue fighting RE, even if only in defense of myself, until either they pull out or I'm n00b ringed.
[17:47]<Dakota> you previously stated this was the latest in a series of trolls between you and pk, may i hear some of the previous trolls?
[17:48]<Princess Botchface> I don't really recall specifics, little things like calling me by my alts name, Lord Moonpie, hitting on me, etc.
[17:50]<Dakota> is this truely a alliance vs alliance matter? or simply a few specific players?
[17:51]<Princess Botchface> At this time, it's Alliance vs. Me
[17:52]<Dakota> do you have anything to add at the end?
[17:53]<Princess Botchface> RE's leaders whining about being trolled as a justification for ganging up on one player is a bigger joke than I could come up with.

[18:04]<Dakota> may i ask what your responce was when you were declared on by hre?
[18:05]<Patience King> I was a little surprised when HRE declared since it is turning it into a full fledged war from a skirmish
[18:05]<Patience King> but i`m ready for anything.
[18:06]<Dakota> have you spoken to princess botchface about it since?
[18:07]<Dakota> (in a diplomatic setting, not in GC)
[18:07]<Patience King> no
[18:08]<Dakota> princess botchface has previously stated this is the latest in a series of trolls between you two, can you confirm or deny this?
[18:09]<Patience King> deny
[18:10]<Patience King> I have never trolled her
[18:10]<Dakota> is this truely a alliance vs alliance matter, or simply a few specific players?
[18:11]<Patience King> since he declared war , rome will use all its resources to bring a quick and decisive end to the war.
[18:12]<Dakota> do you have anything else you would like to state?
[18:13]<Patience King> That we are simply responding to a troll who clearly instigated the whole thing and is now being punished for it.

It has since been confirmed that attacks were sent at Princess Botchface prior to her war declaration. Patience King has stated he is awaiting Princess Botchface's surrender

Author: Dakota

A New Author for the Telegraph

I would like to announce that there is a new author for the Telegraph. They wish to remain anonymous but are in REBEL.

They will not publish an article without me first reading it to check it is suitable for the Telegraph.

If you want to become an author for the Telegraph, IGM Eowan The Short. If you would prefer to be anonymous, that can be arranged but your alliance will be disclosed.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

All Quiet at the Illyriad Times

It has been over 3 months since the Illyriad Times last posted an article leading to speculation that it has been abandoned.
The Illyriad Times was one of the first Illyriad news sites, starting out on 18th June 2015. It's first article reports outbreak of the Stomp/Landclaimers war and since then, it has been a major source of news for the community.
The identity of the author has never been revealed, a decision probably taken to ensure that there was no backlash for the author when reporting on sensitive subjects.
It would be a shame to see it go and I hope that one day, the author returns.

Author: Eowan The Short

Thunderdome: The First Class

On the 1st December of last year, 300 announced the creation of Thunderdome, a PvP training zone in Vindorel. Over a month has gone by since then and apparently, it has been a success. Ten Kulch had the following to say in an interview with the Telegraph:

'How is Thunderdome doing?
The first class is going quite well. As with Night Squires, the new batch of students eventually separated into the truly active, and the mostly inactive. The last full moon cycle saw some intense PvP between the participants. Presently it's the new moon phase of learning and exercises. Several players have been grinding away diligently on my daily questions and timing exercises. We've had lots of great discussions so far. Some of them already had experiences with tournaments and such, so they are asking more advanced questions. Right now we are a few days away from another full moon PvP cycle starting. I expect them to put the classroom learning to good use in there.
I have also had considerable interest from people for the spring classroom. More than for winter, really. I think many players weren't able to immediately send a city in December, but it's easier to plan for spring.
I plan on publishing the questions for each classroom phase, so that people can follow along. I do see the discussions as more important, and then actually trying concepts in PvP.
Before anyone asks, I am not publishing answer keys to the questions. That would defeat the purpose of students actually considering and discussing things, and then arriving at their answers.

How many people have participated this time?
About ten. Of those, 5 or 6 are active, learning, and fighting. We had approved more, but some of those folks never showed up (which I expected, that happened a lot in Night Squires too).
This classroom is designed to accomodate that pattern. In NS we had a lot of barely active or outright inactive accounts start to pile up. We would recruit continuously, which led to a lot of repeating of information. In this method, we take people for a specific length of time, to learn the same stuff together, and there's a built-in method to clean the classroom of inactives every 3 months.

How many have looked into joining the spring class so far?
12-15 people have asked about it (or asked to join immediately, and referred to spring). What that might become in terms of actual students, I cannot predict.'

The questions that have been set can be found here

Author: Eowan The Short

Monday, 2 January 2017

Kul'Gan Doomfist sieged by Goldy1

The siege landed Kul'Gan Doomfist's city of KG 06 ! at 03:25 on the 28th and it was stormed and razed two days later on the 30th. There was no resistance from nCrow due to the fact that Kul'Gan was long inactive.
Cormoran had the following to say on the siege:
'As the city being sieged belongs to an account that has been inactive for years, we are making no effort to defend it; Kul'gan has been notified via e-mail of the situation and does not wish to return.'
This seems to be backed up by nCrow members Rill and Deborahhe's reactions to the siege notification in GC which were to discuss the grammar of 'Hat's off to Loki'.

However, Stukahh claims that this is the beginning of a purge of nCrow from the Broken Lands and is attempting to recruit those interested in bringing down nCrow. He also says that it is only him and Goldy1 who are attacking nCrow. A GC log of this can be found here

Author: Eowan The Short