In light of the recent activity in GC and apparent hostility between the two, I interviewed both Roman Empire's leader Patience King, and Holy Roman Empire's leader Princess Botchface. the following is their interview
[17:35]<Dakota> may i ask why you declared war on both slr and re?
[17:37]<Princess Botchface> I started an alliance to amuse myself called Dark Carnival [ICP], I declared on Slayer because its a band name.
[17:39]<Princess Botchface> I changed it Holy Roman Empire [HRE] a few hours later to troll PK, I was planning on leaving the following morning and accepting an invitation from Loki
[17:41]<Princess Botchface> When I got up and checked on the incoming I saw two new ones moving quite slowly with one arrow on the map and 6 days travel time. I decided then to update the alliance page and start recruiting
[17:41]<Dakota> so there are no true hostilitys between hre and slayers?
[17:42]<Princess Botchface> No
[17:42]<Princess Botchface> I forgot about that until now
[17:44]<Dakota> what are your current intentiond towards RE?
[17:45]<Princess Botchface> I intend to continue fighting RE, even if only in defense of myself, until either they pull out or I'm n00b ringed.
[17:47]<Dakota> you previously stated this was the latest in a series of trolls between you and pk, may i hear some of the previous trolls?
[17:48]<Princess Botchface> I don't really recall specifics, little things like calling me by my alts name, Lord Moonpie, hitting on me, etc.
[17:50]<Dakota> is this truely a alliance vs alliance matter? or simply a few specific players?
[17:51]<Princess Botchface> At this time, it's Alliance vs. Me
[17:52]<Dakota> do you have anything to add at the end?
[17:53]<Princess Botchface> RE's leaders whining about being trolled as a justification for ganging up on one player is a bigger joke than I could come up with.
[18:04]<Dakota> may i ask what your responce was when you were declared on by hre?
[18:05]<Patience King> I was a little surprised when HRE declared since it is turning it into a full fledged war from a skirmish
[18:05]<Patience King> but i`m ready for anything.
[18:06]<Dakota> have you spoken to princess botchface about it since?
[18:07]<Dakota> (in a diplomatic setting, not in GC)
[18:07]<Patience King> no
[18:08]<Dakota> princess botchface has previously stated this is the latest in a series of trolls between you two, can you confirm or deny this?
[18:09]<Patience King> deny
[18:10]<Patience King> I have never trolled her
[18:10]<Dakota> is this truely a alliance vs alliance matter, or simply a few specific players?
[18:11]<Patience King> since he declared war , rome will use all its resources to bring a quick and decisive end to the war.
[18:12]<Dakota> do you have anything else you would like to state?
[18:13]<Patience King> That we are simply responding to a troll who clearly instigated the whole thing and is now being punished for it.
It has since been confirmed that attacks were sent at Princess Botchface prior to her war declaration. Patience King has stated he is awaiting Princess Botchface's surrender
Author: Dakota
Author: Dakota